Let me try to make a couple points a little clearer.
1- I am not trying to cut down anyone’s Hero’s with my post. I enjoy this site and the way it is managed.
2- I am well aware that this Site is a promotional tool.
I am also aware that the true “Big Boys” in the Fishing Promotion industry know that the consistant use of “Stringer Photos” has an adverse affect on the general public. In particular the guy that loads his boat up with Ringies,Dingies,Dooy’s and Don’ties and and doesn’t come home with limit after limit. As well as the do gooder that believes there is a massacre going on and now has the photos to prove it.
I know the guys have no wrong intentions. I was simply wondering if the are aware of the messages this site has the potential to send.
Hey Mad,
Looks like you rustled more than just my feathers. I like a good conversation. While I disagree with you completly, I”m not saying your opinion is wrong. You made a comment about not bashing anyone’s heros. I guess I took that personally, my heros are the men and women fighting overseas, their families left at home to fend for themselves and people like my mom and dad. These people are heros!!
James Holst is not my hero, he is a man I have the upmost respect for though. This guy puts in more time for this site than anyone could ever imagine. Is a promotional tool, yes, it has to be. I know there is no way James could afford this site without advertisers, not on a guides salary. No offense, but anyone who has ever tried to make a living guiding would agree with me when I say you aren’t going to get rich. I commend James for stepping out on his own, it’s the american dream. While your opinion isn’t wrong, I think you have a very simplistic view. Black or white, not always the case. Another reason this site is a promotional tool: James and everyone else promotes the education of a hobby/burning desire we all hold near and dear to our hearts. I’ve learned so much from this site and met some great friends who I will likely know for the rest of my life. Heck ya, I promote this place like mad. James promotes the good folks who choose to advertise with him. Like it or not it’s how business works. Is he benefiting from a natural resource that happens to be in his back yard, maybe. I’d say the resource is probably benefiting more from having James and the other guides in it’s back yard.
You’ve said you don’t feel like you are personally attacking anyone, I disagree. You have called the guides/owner of this site to the carpet. I know I’m more upset then they probably are. One lessoned I’ve learned, your never going to make a 100% of the people happy. These guys deal with the public daily, they are probably better at it than I am. If the photos posted here are detrimental, then we should see a decline in user traffic and these guides businesses.