Pool 4 Saturday

  • skeeter
    West Metro
    Posts: 38

    I am heading down to Red Wing tomorrow morning… just curious where to launch from? I have never been out of Everts, sounds like that’s the place to go out of. Are the accesses in Red Wing iced over? Any hot tips other than head up to the dam? Thanks

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I sent you a PM. Good luck and let us all know how you do.

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Evert’s is the place to launch, and If you don’t know where the wingdams are up on the roller side, have Steve show you on a map where they are. I was down on tuesday, and i quess 3 different boats slammed the #2 dam. I was close when one guy hit it, and his prop was throwing 3 and 4 inch rocks 2 feet into the air. it was not a good thing. his boat got stuck and we towed the guy off the rocks. he said that was his first time there, and it will be his LAST. ..there are 4 or 5 wingdams above redwing, and 3 are up by the dam. Jack..

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