
  • eyesrit
    dav ia
    Posts: 43

    have the week off,anything going on at these dams

    Posts: 27

    heard that the sauger bite was on over the weekend at Clinton.

    unfortunately, the size was still down with a lot of sorting. the river is up about 2 1/2 ft, but clear. Expect to see it start dropping tomorrow.


    dav ia
    Posts: 43

    thanks randy,sounds like the water is up and down all over.can’t figure out where all the water is coming from

    john mannerino
    Chicago IL
    Posts: 207

    Heading to Bellevue this weekend,sounds like the cold front that we all have been waiting for will be here towards the end of the week.But they will prob change the forcast in a couple of days.Good luck this week,John

    Northwest Illinois
    Posts: 1251

    Hey John,

    Talked to a buddy who fished Bellvue Monday. He said he picked up some very nice Walleyes in the area we fished were my Slimer came from. Casting and retrieving hair jigs and large plastics got him the nice ones. Lots of saugers going in a little deeper water. He did not try down river so I don’t know how that is going. Good luck, let us know how it goes. Hope the cold front effects have stabilized by Saturday!

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