47lb Walleye Denied Record

  • Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    Bored..not many posts going on….found this..thought it was interesting:

    On September 16, Western Angler Senior Editor, Ron Boggs nearly doubled the existing world record with a 47 pound walleye! The size and circumstances of the catch ranks it among the most unusual in modern angling history. Normally, world fishing records are broken by onces or maybe a couple of pounds. Never before has a fish eclipsed an old record by nearly double. But due to a technicality, the old walleye record of 25 pounds will stand.

    Because walleye are freshwater fish, walleye records are only registered for freshwater catches. Boggs’ unbelievable lunker was caught in saltwater, thus ruling it invalid for consideration in the freshwater walleye books.

    “I went to the coast to catch surf perch and just enjoy the sunny weather with my wife Pam. We were out on the bay dunking sandworms on light tackle when the fish hit. We know immediately it was something big…probably a lingcod or sturgeon — or so we thought.”

    “It took almost half an hour to get the fish close enough to see it,” he recalls. “I did a double-take when I first saw it. Even after Pam netted it I couldn’t believe it was a walleye. It was so humongous I had to help her get the overloaded net into the boat. I was shaking so hard I couldn’t drive the boat. Pam drove us in to the scale at Greg’s Marina, and I about passed out when the needle registered 47 pounds.”

    “I’ve dreamed of catching a state record walleye for 10 years. Who would’ve thought I’d ever see a world record sized fish. Too bad it doesn’t count [ in the record books ].”

    Many species of fish adapt to both fresh and salt water, but walleye have never been observed to survive in the saltcheck. A marine biologist at the scene speculated that the leviathan fish originated in the Columbia River which empties into the Pacific 50 miles to the North. “It probably caught a fresh water current from the river,” the biologist reasoned. “Once the fresh water dissipated, the fish was stuck in the saltwater. It had to either adapt or die. I can’t explain why.” he shrugged, “but somehow this fish managed to adapt. The Pacific coast is an abundant foraging area, so this walleye probably grew at an accelerated pace.”

    When asked if other saltwater walleyes were possibly swimming in Oregon or Washington coastal waters, our source hypothesized, “If this one could survive, then others probably have too. The mouth of the Columbia River is the only place in the world where walleyes have access to the Pacific Ocean. They’ve only been in the lower river for about 25 years. Who know what’s happened in that time? Nobody has ever studied the possibility of walleyes trickling into the Pacific.”

    Boggs doesn’t care how the fish managed to exist, but says he’s planning future coastal walleye fishing trips. “I hope this wasn’t just a fluke. Maybe the record keepers will have to establish a new category for saltwater walleye? If that’s the case,” he smiles, “then I’ve got a headstart on other record seekers.”

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    I would love to see a pic of that fish. That is just darn-near impossible to imagine.

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4545

    This is no big deal. I catch 50lbers in Pool 2 all the time. Unfortunately it is all catch and release, so I just toss them back in.

    From another site:

    A version of this article appeared in a “National Enquirer” type portion of Western Angler magazine. Though the same page had a photo of an astronaut lip-locking a bass on the moon, many people thought the story was true — it’s not. But this could be the best exaggerated walleye story ever told!


    New World Record Walleye Denied Record Status
    ( Garibaldi, Oregon )
    On September 16, Western Angler Senior Editor, Ron Boggs nearly doubled the existing world record with a 47 pound walleye! The size and circumstances of the catch ranks it among the most unusual in modern angling history. Normally, world fishing records are broken by onces or maybe a couple of pounds. Never before has a fish eclipsed an old record by nearly double. But due to a technicality, the old walleye record of 25 pounds will stand.

    Because walleye are freshwater fish, walleye records are only registered for freshwater catches. Boggs’ unbelievable lunker was caught in saltwater, thus ruling it invalid for consideration in the freshwater walleye books.

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941


    I suppose it could be possible in theory though….who knows what swims in the ocean!!

    Burnsville, MN
    Posts: 412

    Take your pick of Joe Soucheray phrases:

    “Ah, we don’t know that.”


    “B as in B, S as in S”.

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    ummmm…. sounds unlikely to me… the physiology of fish makes it very difficult for a species to be able to adapt to both salt and fresh water…. those environments present opposite problems… on the one hand a salt environment tries to leach water from a fish… on the other a freshwater environment tries to leach salt and other nutrients from a fish…. so to be able to switch from one to the other a fish must be able to actually switch the way their bodies work…. there are only a very few species that can actually accomplish this magic… like salmon and certain trouts, ocean striped bass, bull sharks, american shad, certain sturgeons, lamprey, smelt, they are known as anadromous species….. a few others can tolerate a limited amount of salt water… such as brackish water… Ive heard that largemouth bass can do this…..

    Posts: 15

    LOL, no one really believes this, do they?

    Brian Lyons
    Posts: 894

    You mean the story wasn’t true?
    I gotta get to the Cedar, BFD is headed for the ramp with a load of rock salt

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I gotta tell ya Rivereyes, I read your post and am impressed. Then I look at your picture….puts a smirk on my face every time!

    Sorry, I should have more respect for the Gov. Elect.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Here’s the next artical right after the 47lbs fish story/hoax on Ron Borggs website.


    You just had to be there!

    Professional walleye angler, Bill Kutka, tells the funniest fish attractant story you’ll ever hear. This is a true story that actually happened in a walleye tournament a couple years ago.

    First, a little background….
    It seems that Preparation “H” ( that’s right, the hemorrhoid medication ) has gained a small following as a fish attractant. Kutka was totally unaware of this fact.

    At a major national tournament, Kutka was paired with an angler he’d never met before. They got out onto the water and the guy asks, ” So, have you heard about Preparation “H”?

    Kutka hesitates then responds, “Sure, I’ve heard about it.”

    “Works pretty good doesn’t it?” the guy smiles. Now remember, Kutka has no idea that Prep “H” has any use other than as a medication.

    Kutka pauses and then admits, “Yeah, I guess it works OK.”

    The guy smiles and in an exuberant tone asks, “You want me to put some on for you?”

    Well, needless to say there was a bit of confusion in the boat, but once they figured out what had happened, a good laugh was had by all.

    Hopefully, you’ve gotten a chuckle out of the incident as well!

    Stillakid, you were talking about hooks!?

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    Now this is the honest to god truth, I have an in-fisherman magazine in front of me from a few years ago that did an article on prep-H and catfishing. The article tells the story of how Doug Stange was on a trip w/a guy and this guy kept pounding cats, doug was fishing the same spot, but getting nothing. The other guy’s secret: PREPERATION H!!! Now we have to believe In-fisherman, don’t we

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    If I recall correctly, there’s shark oil or something similar in it. Could work.
    I was going to go someplace with this, but this is a family website….so never mind.

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    I’ve heard of Preparation H being put on baits for bass fishing. I’ve also heard of people using WD-40.

    Gator Hunter

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I know quite a few guys use wd-40 here for catfish, i don’t doubt preperation h eigther.

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