When the water gets “ugly” on the three Blackhawk to Victory runs…switch at least one of your baits to firetiger or bright orange/Larger jointed bait. The extra motion, size and the extra clack seems to draw them in. I actually sometimes use jointed musky size baits. Dirty/ugly is really a matter of human perception so whatever you do don’t remove all the standard colors and sizes until the jointed proves it’s point.
But when the going gets tough it is still hard to beat sitting in one spot,( behind some type of current break), with a jumbo minnow on a three-way(wolf river rig).
Also regarding current …unless things have changed this year, rarely is the flow too strong for the fish. All the flow does is make me move to a larger bellsinker on my three-way crank drops, and slow down to almost a dead stand still so the crank is in the vicinity of the rock or obstruction the fish is behind for a longer period of time. Apparently the fish move to bite less distance from there current block/break, or can’t see as well when the flow and the ugly goes up. Not a bad time to use handlining either.
Dirty on the other hand definitely seems to have an irritating effect flowing through the fishes gills and just in general seems to often slow the bite. When the spawn cuts full loose not much of anything will affect the bite, other than being where the fish are.
By the way many years
the spawn , and the fishing is light both at the dam and on the blackhawk runs????
Especially in years when the water isn’t way up and the season warms late.
The other effect that is just fine with me is that the spawn may all,( a huge percentage), take place in only one or two days with everything but the males showing up and disappearing very quickly. I can’t stress enough though the there are many many places on pool 9 where walleye spawn and congregate other than the dam and Blackhawk.
the posters that have said to fish stagging areas not the spawning grounds just might be on to something. 
And now to get out for some fishing…