pool 16 Sunday

  • jig-fan
    Port Byron IL
    Posts: 413

    I got out around 10:30 the plastic bite was slow at first. The guy’s using meat were catching small saugers but nothing nice. We ran down river for awhile never had a bite. We returned to the dam area and the crowd had left the place we wanted to fish. It didn’t take long to get our first nice fish . The bite was good for an hourand a half then a few boats came over and the fish stopped biting. We did not keep fish today but if we had we would of had a nice limit. The best color by a mile was firecracker chartruse tail. In either paddle tail or ring worm. I tried many other colors with out any luck. Dragging down stream in 15 to 19 ft was what they wanted. It sure was nice to be back on the river. BRING ON SPRING!

    Tipton, IA
    Posts: 9

    Hey All,
    I was hoping I could get just a bit of help on Pool 16. I’m planning on heading there on Saturday with my father but have never been on this pool before. How deep is it, and generally what weight has been adequate for the current? I am planning on fishing by the dam but any other help as to where to try would be welcome too. I just mainly want to know what to bring for weight. I plan on fishing paddletails and ringworms. Any help is appreciated so that dad and I might be able to catch something.
    Thanks – fishinhawk

    Davenport, ia
    Posts: 14

    sorry to hijack the thread, but drove by the dam this morning on my way back from checking out credit island and saw all the boats, at least two dozen. what I didnt see was a place I could fish from shore, I’m on the IA side, i parked behind that VFW to take a look and didnt see anything. Is there any place a boatless fisherman can wet a line around there? thanks

    Tipton, IA
    Posts: 9

    Well, as luck would have it, our plans changed for the day. Dad and I never made it to the Mississippi, but we did have fun catching a few walleyes on the Iowa. As for Realtown12, I have no idea, since I’ve never been over there, but someone ought to be able to help you out.

    eastern iowa.
    Posts: 185

    congrats are in order to one of our members. won’t mention his name, hopefully he will post his pool 16 , 30inch,12#9oz eye he caught and released on saturday march 1st. i personally have seen the beauty in my emails. a true gentleman and sportsman.

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