What a pig! Great picture, wow…thanks for sharing this with us.
This picture brings back memories of years gone by for me… I did this “Rainy” spring run for seven years in a row, staying nearly a week there each time. I remember once that every fish we took was in the two to three pound range, the next day all were threes and fours, the next day they were fours & fives and six-ers mostly… with one just over seven, the next day we got sevens to ten pound fish, the last day (regs. cut it off on this day) all we got were over nine pounders and one was thirteen! The trick then was to get on a “s” bend just out of the curent where the big sows were having a rest stop. We used Lindy-Rigs with floaters/dead minnows. The walleyes must have come up the river in schools of ever increasing bigger fish! What a year that was. And what a great place to fish.
Thanks again for the photo Scott, now go get a bigger one! Hawger