RCL championship—-8 fish-No cull. ..

  • RipnLips1
    Posts: 121

    Shane,this is in good humor and you probable cant even begin to imagine it,but start SAVING now and A LOT.

    Posts: 1036

    To put Jamie’s comment another way, Rich Mellon told me ‘The best way to make a million dollars fishing walleyes is to start with $2M and know when to quit!!!’

    Best advise I probably should have taken!


    Green Bay, WI.
    Posts: 5

    Hey Jamie, Don’t look over your shoulder Oct. 1st cause I’ll be tossing my anchor in the back of your boat with the other end tied to my bow cleat LMAO. Do you think that would bring a new meaning to TAILPIPING. See Ya at the show.
    Pat Cavins

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    Thanks for the advice guys, but for me fishing tourneys would be a fun hobby for me. I am thinking that if I got to serious. I would be kicked out of the house and banned from going home if it costed me 2 million to have fun. I am hopefully going to be getting involeved soon as a co-angler, but i know the waiting list is long. so maybe soon we will see eachother on the water.


    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    Shane, there are a lot of smaller tournaments in the spring. That would be a good way to “get your feet wet”. You may want to see if tournament fishing is for you. I love it but some don’t care for it.

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    Shane. You might want to start with the MTT. I believe they will be on pool 4 two weekends in April. The MTT has good competition, great guys, and it is relatively inexpensive($200 per boat). Check them out. http://www.minnesotatournamenttrail.com

    Gator Hunter

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Another great option for the rookie is to join Walleye Searchers. http://www.walleyesearchers.com

    They have monthly club tourneys that pair up boaters and non-boaters for weekend events mostly on pool 4. There is one this weekend. Very good way to get into tourneys and also meet some of the best sticks on the river!

    Jon J.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12318

    Let me be clear on this…The RCL League took the top 5 finishers from each of their divisions. That is 20 spots on the Pro side, and 20 from the CO side. That is 40 spots taken for the Big Show coming from the League side. It was part of the incentives for the league, and we all knew it. I think it was good for the competetion. That being said, these smaller tournaments that boast to be “RCL Qualifiers” should be a little more clear in what that exactly means. As a reply to some of the other responses, I would love to fish the full tour, but kids, bills, work, a lot of that stands in the way. The League is a perfect fit for me right now until I get the right numbers and the Power Ball! Fish what you can afford, and have fun doing it! That is the name of the game…I know GREAT anglers on both sides of the “Big vs Small” tournaments. Any one of them could win either side at any time. I enjoy the company everywhere. Pro V, you are up there on the list! Haven’t seen you out there for a while! I hope to soon! Tuck

    Posts: 121

    Sounds great Pat,ill even open my livewell door for you,cast right in.LOL!!SEE you there.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Shane, you don’t have to attend the meetings, since you live in Blaine, Mn., to belong to Walleye Searchers. Just pay your 25.00 membership, e-mail an officer before club meetings letting him know you want to fish that months tournament and your name will be put into the drawing for partners. You will be notified who your partner is and then meet him at the tournament site on tourney day. Sweet and simple. Check out the website , feel free to ask me any questions, and let me know if you want to join. Thanks, Bill

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    hey guys,

    i really appreciate the advice. but i found out this last week the my wife is expecting again. so I may have to put tourney fishing on the back burner for a few months, but this has been something that i have wanted to do since i started to fish on my own. I will do some research and maybe enter a few tourneys in the spring right away, some that are a little bit more inexpensive. but I want to thank all of you for getting me heading in the righ directions.



    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    Congrat’s man, hope all goes well for you and your wife!

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240

    Congrat’s Shane, another future fishin partner

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    hey thanks guys, but i have a feeling that he is going to be more fasinated playing with the worms than fishing. The 7 month old boy that i have does have dad chomping at the bit to get him out on the water early so he likes it. but I will keep you all informed when the little one comes.


    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    and an oh by the way,

    I am going to join that club that you mentioned. I will be sending in my membership and hopefully will get to meet alot of you guys on the water. but thanks for a great group of guys and an awsome website.


    Posts: 77

    If your joining the Walleye Searchers, Welcome aboard I have been with them for a little over a year. You will learn alot. These are the niciest group of fellows you’ll ever meet. There is alot you’ll learn even if you already know alot. If you can’t make the meetings don’t worry they email out a monthly news letter that pretty much details the info and it also has the hottest bites going in the area. For the money you do get alot more than a monthly tourney. Hope to see ya there. Good luck

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921


    Hey thanks! I am looking forward to becoming a member. I have $25 already earmarked out of next weeks check. i have been talking to bill cadwell about it, so i am pumped. and you never know, I may make to a meeting or 2, just have to see how things work out.


    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12318

    It will be the best $25 you ever spent!

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    hey tuck,

    that is what i have heard, I am getting excited and my wife approved of it also, which makes it even better. can’t go wrong with the little ladies blessings. now i just hope we can get the bite going. it was slow out there today, sheepies and a couple of smallies.


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