ive caught a few sheep during the winter in deep wintering areas below dams, they are right in with the small saugers and channel cats, by the way, I have not met a river fish that I don’t like. It really frustrates me to see people killing so called “rough fish”, I saw someone recently that was catching sheepies. He would catch them, unhook them, then bang them on the side of the boat as hard as he could and let them float. I have seen so many times where shore fisherman will leave sheep, carp, and suckers to die on the bank, bad choice
they end up stinking up the area and it tis just not sportsman like. When asked, most say, “they eat all the walleye eggs” along with many other myths, lastly and the most disturbing was a time when i saw two kids fishing from a dock on the river, they were having fun catching fish, I could tell, they caught all sheepies, and you guessed it, they were banging them on the dock, tossing them like rocks, and doing surgery on the proverbial rock in the brain, I asked them if they were having fun, they said yes, then I asked them why they were abusing the fish, one said, “because we want walleyes” I thought, when I was 7 years old, just getting the rod bent was what counts, but the most disturbing thing was, One kid said, “my dad said that we have to kill all the sheephead we caught” any thoughts out there on this, I hope this is an isolated incident and I hope there are not a bunch of fathers out there teaching this, Teach kids to respect fish —-all fish