Whoops, almost forgot, about the riprap, which I believe was your main contention in regards to my shooting you down. Take a trip early in the spring before they bring it up to full pool up there, look at the water line on the stones. Rock is expensive, not that those who enjoy their river residence can’t afford it, but they don’t bother to pour the stuff way into the channel. Do the smallies relate to it? Yes. Is it the most productive structure as both banks have almost 18 miles total of it? No. I fish for consistancy, not for chance. Just as all docks are not worthy of skipping a senko under, not all stone is worth the time it takes to fish it. And drains, well I know of one that consistantly has fish around it, on the east side, just up from the guy who has the meanest speed boat on the river (Twin 250’s I believe). But if you look closer at what is really around that area, it is the huge boulder point that stretches straight out into the main channel, 10′ on top, 17′ off the edges. Considering the drain never has more than a trickle coming out of it, I would say it is more than a coincidence that those fish are there.