Started out fishing wingdams this morning with no luck…small sheepies and walleye were all we could muster. We were using leaches and getting bites, but not what we were looking for. So we decided to pull cranks along some rip rap in about 8 to 12 FOW. This seemed to be the ticket as we boated many nice sized walleye with the biggest being 24″…forgot the camera but trust me, she was sent back! Ended up keeping some nice eaters size (15″ – 18″) and throwing quite a few back! Pulling #5 shad raps was the key to our success today! Was no doubt the best action for me this year. All in all I believe the count was around 20 eyes with some smallies mixed in for good measure from about 10:00a.m to 1:30p.m. Thanks to Dave and Pete for sharing the boat with me today!
May 21, 2007 at 12:41 am