First thing in the morning I had a few smaller saugers hitting a Catalpa and a Chartreuse Pepper Super Doo using a 3/8 oz jig tipped with a minnow. With the high water and fast flow the early bite was tight to the bank in 8 – 15fow with a rip rap shore line. As the number of boats multiplied the fish I was on started to shut down or they moved out. This was fine by me because the first thing I noticed after launching the boat was a water temp at 46 degrees 45 degrees is when I like to start pulling 3-ways.
A 4oz cannon ball with an 18” drop tied to a 3-way, and a Black/Gold #7 floating rapala with 40 inches of leader produce some fish. I moved out to the channel edge to get out of the boats thinking the fish might have done the same and starting pulling up river. Following the edge of the main channel in 22fow produced a few fish and made for some fun. This 21 inch girl pictured here hit like a bus After the pic and release I landed her sister in a pouring rain. That was the 2 nicest fish of the day for me. I did catch some smaller saugers and kept one at 14 inches for breakfast.
Once back at the landing and taking off wet clothes a car pulls up and says “nice to meet you Bret” It was Mudshark and it was a pleasure shooting the bull for a while and meeting another local IDA’er
All in all it was not a ferocious bite and the weather was wet but, it was a great feeling to be pulling Rapalas again!
Good luck Fishing People