I got out for a few hours on Sunday, but conditions are still not good. Very fast flow, high, and about 2-4″ visibility with a very bright plastic! I did find a few fish down river, but searching took most of the time I had, so not much to show for my outing.
Foarecast is for the river to stay high and fast for at least the next week or so. Surface temp was at 44-45 degrees, up from 33-34 on the 16th.
The fish I was able to find where in normally shallow back cuts and on shoreline sand between wing dams in 5-9′ or water. Had to anchor and pitch jigs to them due to a 20-30 mph Southwest wind that wanted to push me on shore!
There are some fish in the dam area, but not in the “normal” spring areas. Found a few small saugers off the current on the Illinois side dragging ringies. My guess is 3 waying rattling stick baits would have been more productive in the areas I found fish, but the wind made it too difficult.