P4 Some one give me some hope

  • fearnofish82
    Posts: 387

    Im new to river fishing, tomorrow will be my 2nd time at P4. Heard its really slow right now, some one give me some positive info, please!!

    Either way, it’s always fun to get on the water, the miss is quite an experience when your new to it, and i guess the way the river changes everyday is a new day.

    Does anyone pull three ways with sticks or flatfish or anything this time of year, or is it more jigging and dragging and what not?


    Posts: 4179

    Here’s all the hope you’ll need:

    The flow is stabilizing (now at 34K cfs) with no big leaps or falls expected in the short term.

    The water temp is rebounding. It will only go higher with this fantastic weather we’re having.

    The high flow will get fish moving into their pre-spawn routine. For those big girls, that means EAT, NOW!

    Over the next couple of weeks, we’re going to see a LOT of big pre-spawn piggie pics and impressive stringers of eaters coming out of Pool 4. Not every trip is one to write home about, but something special almost always seems to happen on P4 this time of year.

    Be courteous to your fellow fishermen, be safe on the water, listen carefully to what Dean at Everts has to say, and enjoy a great day in the sunshine on Pool 4.

    Posts: 170

    fear, Dean can clue you in on the 3-way fishing. I have been down 2x this month with one 15″ eye to show for it. Watch you electronics, you will see fish . They may just be giving you the fin, instead of a bite . It can only get better. Tomorrow may be the day, you never know.
    I was out on pool 2 today. BRING SUNSCREEN. I got burned pretty good today. By the fish and the sun. Good Luck!!!!


    Rochester Minn
    Posts: 339

    Fished pool 4 today 3/23 Report is good day for a boat ride. Not one fish in our boat, and did not see another fish caught. D.N.R. was doing a creel survey and said none caught. We left about 2:00 so probally started biting about 3 with my luck. Beautiful to be out there. Jim

    Eric Rehberg
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 3071

    Like Jason said all the things needed to get this bite going are starting to happen and it could be any day or any hour for that matter. Water temp is rising, wich helps. Level is stable for now. It has all the right things going right now it just the matter of when they are going to snap. And when they do look out because it will be good to great.

    All I can say for right now is keep putting your time in and you will soon be rewarded.

    Posts: 387

    Thanks for the info, gonna giver tomorrow. Them fish better be ready!

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    Another tough day here on pool 4.River conditions and flow appear to be improving and water temps are coming up.Hopefully ,we will enjoy th bite that we have become used to soon!

    One quick pic of a nice fish today…

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1442

    Slow bite, or not…better than a good day at work, guys. Looks like I might have the chance to head up that way on Sunday evening for 3 nite stay…..fishing is terrible, so would someone please cancel out at Everts, because Dean tells me that there’s no room at the inn. And if all fails, may have to resort to the other white meat…..how bout it Brian K…..are the cats at least in a feeding mood??

    Posts: 57

    I have to concur with the majority here. Fished 3-7 PM. Dam to Y and in the lock. 2 Bites, no fish. I saw 2 tiny walleye/sauger caught. Water Temp 36 in main channel and 41-43 on lock side. Has to start soon!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Zman, I haven’t been able to get down there as of late either..but that’s going to change soon.

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