3-12-07 Pool 4 up-date

  • riverrunt75
    Cold Spring
    Posts: 112

    Yesterday my good friend Jamie a.k.a. “Minnkota for Sale” spent the day on pool 4. Jamie got us started of right off the bat with 16″ sauger in 18 fow with in sight of the dam. Then as the hours ticked by we managed a mixed bag.
    Our walleyes came from 13-21 fow with a total of 3. Biggest was 18″. The saugers came from 18-28 fow and 12 made it in the boat with the largest being fat female at 20″. Channel cats we glued to a small area and hammerd ring worms we got two in and lost the mother of all channel cats at the boat. Jamie even got a carp on a super-doo. All in all we put in 11 hours on the water and never really developed a pattern. Walleyes wanted a fathead on the jig but the saugers didn’t care. Firecracker chart tail in a paddle tail took the biggest sauger and a chart hair jig with a minnow did it for the walleyes.

    Thanks to Everts for the great up to date info on what was going on. And for keeping my tackle bill under 40 bucks…..

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 296


    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    I would think this weekend will be a turning point. Warmer water, that is dirtier and higher flow should get things more into a “river” bite.

    Cold Spring
    Posts: 112

    From the Vermillion up river water was still pretty clear. From the Vermillion down to as far as we went (Bay point) it’s getting dirty.

    There was some bigger ice chunks in the morning and a lot of wood all day. Those little braches on the surface can turn into a big long just under the surface.

    Few guys running full bore. I took it nice and easy.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1394

    UPDATE FOR 3-13-07:

    Fishing pretty much stunk for me and a buddy. A 17.5″ off the top of a wingy in the morning on a purple/chart tail and it was over from there. Tried lots of different presentations/areas. The tributaries were ROCKIN shooting out tons of timber, sheets of ice, and other debris…..yet people were still doing mach 2 up and down the channel. I’d say water clarity was about 1ft near the base of the Y and an inch or less from the 3rd wing dam down . Soooo if anyone has any pointers to these types of conditions fire away.

    Thanks, Chris

    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213

    Shallow sand flats right off the main current seam pitchin can be down right on fire if you hit the mother load once this current or if it picks up

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1394

    Tried it…

    Thanks for the idea though….I’m sure we were in one place and the fish were in another. Just didn’t search enough A 14 hr day deserves more than one waldo

    mn Dodge co.
    Posts: 1133

    I think it was the guide. That’s fishin
    Still was a great day on the water! Doug

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1394


    I think it was the guide.

    I already told you that I’m not an ‘A list’ guide and if you don’t like my prices to go elsewhere It was definately a nice day to be on the water and will probably go down as one of the best days all Spring

    St. Charles, MN
    Posts: 293

    My son and I made it out Tuesday and had a great day compared to my last three trips. We caught and released 12 keeper sized fish and a bunch of little ones all on ring worms and super doo’s up by the dam. Dirty water and some current made the difference between a slow day and a good day.

    mn Dodge co.
    Posts: 1133

    Seeing that I’ve paid ya for the whole season, I guess I’m stuck with ya! Unless the check is in the mail? Good Fishin Doug

    Cold Spring
    Posts: 112

    Here’s a pic of one of the saugers we got…And released!!!!

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    Definite improvement in river conditions and the bite today guys….but still proceed with caution….you never know when something could break loose.

    I will try harder next time on the tackle bill!

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