Pepin Report

  • OldCoot
    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 50

    Fished Pepin for the second weekend in a row. Started out pulling SR5’s Saturday morning. Only had one fish in the box doing this. We then began pitching hair jigs tipped with a leech or crawler in areas where we picked up short fish pulling the cranks. This helped us put some better fish in the livewell, however the action was not fast and furious by any means. Over the course of the weekend we fished from the Goose lake area all the way to Ehlers flats. We pulled cranks, pitched jigs, rigged and did some 3-waying. Pitching the hair jigs consistintaly put larger fish in the boat. In summary our fishing was on the slow side, but we caught some good keepers and had a wonderful trip.

    Think I will come back up in a couple weeks. Will the trolling bite get better as the summer progresses? At what point will some of the larger fish begin showing up?

    Good luck to everyone. Would love to hear how some others did.

    Old Coot

    Posts: 4

    Hey Old Coot,
    I was out on Saturday as well. We fished the Maiden Flat (I think that’s what it is called)area and north of it. Didn’t do too well fishing but boy is that area a sight to see. We trolled raps, wally divers and husky jerks and hooked into couple of white bass (I think) and a northern. Later that day we caught a few small saugers and walleyes (between 12-14 inchers). It was fun and I was glad that I was out there. I didn’t see too many boats keeping anything that they caught. I did see someone bring in a really nice walleye right before we left. I would have guessed around 24inches. Nice fish.
    Well, I hope to hit it again soon. Love that area.
    Good luck to you if you head out again!

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