Biggest Yet!

  • john-tucker
    Northwest Illinois
    Posts: 1251

    I went out for a couple hours this evening in front of the cold front coming through our area, thinking this might really set the fish to feeding. I was wrong, only got one walleye in the boat, but WHAT A FISH! Just short of 30″ and I guess probably weighed about 9#.My biggest so far! Tried trolling crawler rigs, cranks, and float jigging. Nothing. Cast cranks for the last hour and a half on a few of my favorite wings, missed two nice hits and caught the big one! I had made 10-15 cast in the same direction through the same spot before that fish hit, or should I say STOPPED my Wally Diver. What a blast. She is swimming live and free as I type, I thought about keeping and mounting her, but decided if I want I will have a replica made or wait for my 10+ to mount. I think this one was under 10, and would not have fit in my live well anyway. Got some pictures and most important, the memory!

    By the way, the trolling pointers worked great, some areas I was able to troll slow enough by tilting up on the outboard, and in the slower water the bucket worked great. It was kinda windy, that bucket sure does help control the boat!!! Thanks yet again guys!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Yaahoo! Congrats man. That’s a nice fish and I’m sure we all look forward to see those pics. Good to know she’s still swimmin’!

    James Holst

    Moving Waters Guide Service

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1402

    What a fish, good job! I can’t wait to see a picture of this beast.


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    Congrats Rooster,

    It’s a good thing you didn’t give me all those cranks your wife bought you…LOL I still get all giddy(sp) when I think about my pig this summer. It’s great to have that feeling of releasing a trophy too!!!! Again, Congrats!!!

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    thats whats wrong with my year…. Ive not boated anything larger than 5# so far!…. well fall is coming… and thats usually good for an oinker or so……. my main problem is Ive not got any time on the water… and we start framing my house this weekend… sure to tie me up good until end of november…. good thing the fish are really rolling by then….

    Posts: 229

    Way to go rooster! Nothing like catching a big fish, is there? And watching them swim away is just frosting on the cake. Go get that film developed. Beav

    mountain man
    Coon Valley, WI.
    Posts: 1419


    john mannerino
    Chicago IL
    Posts: 207

    Rooster, That is why it`s my goto wingdam. Nice job man. Glad to see you to let it swim away.Lawrence is right,Sheeba!!! Your 10 is close by,you know what I mean.John

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603


    Let me join the pack and give a pat on the back! I’m still waiting on one that size myself, but we’ll see what I can produce this weekend!

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3534

    What a fish Rooster.The ol heart must a been just apounding. I am still waiting for one that size. If it ever happens, take pictures weigh it and measure it and get a replica made. Maybe someday.

    Tom P

    Northwest Illinois
    Posts: 1251

    Heart was pounding, knees were knocking, and hands were shaking an hour later! It starts all over every time I think about it! If I never get another like her I’ll still have the memory of every boil she made, and the look on my buddies face when she broke the surface. GULP! Bye the way, I LOVE fireline. She made two very strong runs from right near the boat, one turning 180degrees, and 8# test fireline never faultered or nicked. That was the 3rd or 4th big un’ I’ve had on in the last 2 years, the 3rd I’ve seen and the first I’ve got to the boat. The others were pre-fireline for me. I’ll never go back to mono!

    Austin, Mn
    Posts: 77

    Hey kid, what day you fishing this weekend? We will be fishing around Red Wing on Sunday. Hope I have better luck than at the FTR tourney, I couldn’t buy a bite that day.

    Posts: 2

    I have good story about ” the big one that I guided for my wife”.We went to Red Wing fishing on Saturday. Michelle caught a

    monster walleye!

    It was 28 inches long. Quite a fish!. We were jigging below

    the dam and had very

    little success. I said we should move and Michelle said no

    as it was a quiet, peaceful

    spot. I said it was but we needed to move on as we were not

    catching any fish. She said we never do so that made me mad

    and off we went. we were trolling some

    RIP STICKs along the shore line and boom, I caught a 21 inch

    fish that went in the

    live well. I know a good spot went I see one so we made

    another pass, this time

    going up river. We got to the spot on the spot and Michelle

    said she had a rock

    (you know what’s coming now) I put the boat in neutral and

    knew we would drift back to the “rock”. She was not sure if

    it was a rock or a fish, but reeled very slowly.

    Just before this she had complained of the twisting of the

    rod. As she was reeling in

    the rock, the reel came off!!!! That was the twisting!!! She

    requested help and I, as the trusted guide, put the reel

    back on the rod. It is just a good thing the water was so

    dirty and I didn’t know what was on the end of the Rip

    Stick. If I had known

    the fish was a monster, who knows where the reel would have

    ended up. Once

    the reel was back in place the battle continued…..Michelle

    against the monster. She got the fish close and we got our

    first look at it. WOW WOW WOW, I have been

    fishing for many years and have never seen a walleye that

    big at the side of the boat.

    The fish made a few short runs, but was hooked so well, I

    attribute that to the guide,

    that it could not escape. I swooped down on the fish with

    the net and it was in the boat. We both just stared at the

    creature for the deep. I had never been on a boat

    with such a beautiful, big, walleye. The eyes on that fish

    were as big as a half dollar.

    Michelle wanted to mount it, but, I told her that we will

    get a bigger one on the next pass and to be patient!!!!!

    That’s really isn’t what a said but it sounds good. We got a

    few pics and release the Queen to fight another day. My wife

    catching this fish is a good thing, now I have a better

    excuse to go fishing! But, there is no way I am taking that

    woman deer hunting, last year I was graced with an 8 point

    buck and a

    spiker on the same drive!!!!!!

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