Anyone got an extra seat for pool 4?

  • wheel10
    madison, wi
    Posts: 44

    Hi. I guess i don’t even need a seat, the floor is fine. I will be in the cities over the weekend (9th and 10th)and was looking to do a little eye fishing. Either Saturday and/or Sunday. Willing to help pick up gas or something in return. Let me know if anyone can make some room. I can meet you anywhere. Thanks! mike [email protected] or 608 335 8410 or reply to post

    Posts: 484

    I’ll have an extra seat on Sunday.

    Still working out the time…It will be a half day trip or so…Best I can do there.


    madison, wi
    Posts: 44

    Sounds great, really appreciate it!! Just let me know a time and a place.–Mike

    Anybody got room for Saturday?

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