Pool 4 Newbie, please help!

  • Snowman
    Posts: 6


    I am going to be fishing Pool 4 for the first time this weekend. I have read the reports on this site and have been able to gather a little info and am fairly familiar with river fishing in general. Since I have never been there before can anyone answer the following:

    1. Where is the best place to launch from?
    2. Where can I get bait and up to the minute advice?
    3. Where (if possible) can I get a map of Pool 4?
    4. What would be some good starting points to try?
    5. Is jigging the best method at the current time?
    6. Anybody willing to provide there e-mail for further questions?

    Thanks very much for your assistance!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1208

    Go to Evert’s Resort, talk to Steve. He runs the place and can:
    1) Make your launch easy (4 ramps)
    2) He has bait, live as well as tons of plastics we all use
    3) He has maps on the counter and can show you spots
    4) He has jigs, will tell you best color etc
    5) He’ll share the techniques those with success are using
    6) You’ll probably get to meet his Black Lab as a bonus

    Good Luck!!

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 347

    First off, welcome to the vast pool of information known as Fishtheriver.com.
    1-3: Evert’s Resort has 4 good launches, bait, up-to- the-minute advice, and maps
    4: Good starting points would be anywhere between
    the “Y” below the dam all the way down to the
    head of the lake. The fish are everywhere at
    this point.
    5: Nearly everything is working right now.
    Jigging, cranks, plastics, etc…
    6: [email protected]

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    there are a few public landings down there, too. bay point and covill are both open and in good shape. they are on the MN side, and not to hard to find. just follow the signs. there are a lot of people there during the weekend though, parking can be a hassel. we got boxed in today at bay point. some people .

    you can fish just about anywhere. i’d try to find less pressured spots. make a few long drifts away from the crowds and see what happens. if you catch a few in a certain spot go back and work it again.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    Thanks for the support guys…..You bring up a good point about the 4 ramps. You can get in AND out a lot faster than the launches with 1 or 2 ramps. Just wanted to remind people of that…that I have 4 ramps. It still gets crazy on the weekends, but at least you don’t have to wait an hour go get your boat out. Thanks again guys!

    Posts: 10

    I would definitely recomend Everts as the place to launch your boat. They will also tell you whats working on the the river right now. Excellent place.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    There have been several reports by James and Dustin lately that you should click on and read. They will give you the type of areas to fish and techniques that are taking fish. Besides the sand flats you can check out the area between the dam and the Y area slightly down below the dam. The Y area is where you come to Y in the river where you either go to the left to the lock and dam and go to the right to the roller dam which is where you will find alot of boats fishing. Jigging with live bait, ringworms and superdoos will put fish in the boat. Also 3-ways with live bait on a floater or a minnow style crankbait will on a 3-way will catch you fish also. Don’t be afraid to switch presentations and when you see someone catching fish pay attention to what they are using and try duplicate what they are doing if what you are doing isn’t working. Good luck and let us know how you did. Thanks, Bill

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    hi Snowman, I’d agree with Evertt;s as the place to get started in the right direction. one thing to add when there, DO NOT put your lunch on the bumper of your car and walk away from it when getting your boat ready. It may not be there when you return. good fishin. Jack.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Those darn raccoons!! Right Jack?

    Posts: 730

    Go to Evert’s, Snowman. It costs $7 to unload/load your boat, but you might get $700 worth of advice!

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