pool 9/10 info?

  • stevem
    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 28

    Hoping to head to pool 9 or 10 on Friday – wondering if anybody has info on the bite / water conditions?

    Thanks in advance!

    Dodgeville, Wisconsin
    Posts: 144

    Pool 9 info…I fished last Sat/Sun. early morning and dusk best. Grass is a pain!!!!!! Firecracker chart. tail, or blue tail worked well for me, however, bubblegum did work for others. I did not see many fish picked up by anyone, and the live bait guys did not seem to do to well either…this info is for the dam. However, a jig and a minnow in the blackhawk/victory areas have been steady. Boats in MN slough have been productive as well. The lack of current has the fish scattered so you pick up a few and move to find more. On bright sunny days, when all else fails I have picked up fish throwing one-eyes to tips of wingdams in 15 to 20 FOW and jigging it back to me. However, I have heard the eye bite is picking up in these areas. My experience however has been all sauger.

    I hope this hepls some

    Bob B.

    Clinton County Iowa
    Posts: 134

    I spent last week up at Blackhawk and did well with hair on the wingdams. The walleye are still quite shallow early morning and evening. Good luck. Saturday morning I had 13 degrees. Water frozen in the livewell and broke 1/2 inch ice near New Albin with the new boat. OUCH.

    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 28

    Hey Bob and Jimbo – thanks, I appreciate the info. Sounds like some great weather (rain/snow) forecast for Friday – I might wind up chasing ducks instead. Hopefully I’ll have something to post one way or another.
    Thanks again

    Big Sky Country Helena, MT (Adel, IA home)
    Posts: 1160

    Fished pools 9/10 today with limited success. Water was pretty grassy at pool 9, but not too bad at pool 10. Fished jig and minnow mostly and caught a couple smaller walleye, and about 10-15 sauger. Great day with great company!

    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 28

    Thanks for the reply Wiz – it’d be tough to find a nicer day to be out. Were you sharing a boat with Waldo? That guy gets more play time than anybody I know!

    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 642

    Steve, you don’t do too bad yourself. Have fun, I’ll be thinking of you. Hope to get up Thanksgiving week, Brad will be home.


    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 28

    Likewise Bill – I get regular reports on you from Ann!
    Tell Brad hi for me – hope you guys get out.


    Big Sky Country Helena, MT (Adel, IA home)
    Posts: 1160

    Jazzer- Yep, i was out w/ Doug. Heck of a guy, not too bad of a fisherman too! He caught a nice 18 3/4″ Smallie, gorgeous fish. I’ll get pics up soon.

    Doug Bonwell
    Cedar Falls IA
    Posts: 887

    If you guys would just sell your homes through me I’d be working and not be able to fish in 73 degree weather. By the way Dylan refused to net the big sauger of the day which was on MY line! You have to be careful with that guy.

    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 642

    Last time I took Dylan fishing, I had to net his fish, and he wouldn’t let me catch one.

    Big Sky Country Helena, MT (Adel, IA home)
    Posts: 1160

    I saw that poor Sauger come to the surface, saw his big sad eyes, and i swear i heard him say “Don’t let that big bad man hold me!” So i felt bad for the little guy, and “oops”, let him snap the line.

    It also could be looked at from the standpoint of QDM, or QSM, “Quality Sauger Management”

    Dodgeville, WI
    Posts: 73

    I was up in the Blackhawk area yesterday the water temp was 43 with plenty of grass coming down. We were out in the middle of the day so the bite was slow but I broke into the 10 pound club. It’s to bad it was a 30″ sheephead that must have gone close to 15 pound’s. The current was low and we had a wind out of the south so boat control was some what of an issue but not bad. Good Luck. Mark

    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 28

    Thanks for the reply Mark and “congrats” on the sheepie – its still fun tangling with something that size. Looks like the forecast for tomorrow may have us chasing birds instead.
    A day off is still a day off


    Dodgeville, WI
    Posts: 73

    I know what you’re saying. I have 4 days to burn before year end. Fortunately I can give them a day’s warning and be off. It was a beauty of a day yesterday.

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