Lower Pool 4 report

  • redneckjr
    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 1041

    We Finally made it out this afternoon at about 1. We launched from Camp Lacuplois(sp) and headed across the Lake to where it narrows. Then we made a couple of drifts with live bait on various splitshot rigs. There was only one keeper walleye and a ton of drum caught using this method. We started trolling and BAM a fish hit a #7 Crawdad shad rap in 12 FOW. It was a 21″ walleye(our biggest of the day). He was soon released. We turned around and came back through the same area and Bam another one on the Craw, it was just a hair over 15. We kept going and no results so back down we went. Once again, we caught a 20″ on a jointed 5 shadrap-Craw. We came through the area one more time and a big fish hit a #5 jointed firetiger. It came up to the boat and it was a stupid NORTHERN!!! I hate those slimmy buggers!! Somewhere around 4:30 it started to rain and we got our butts off the water in a hurry! Wish we could have stayed longer but, mother nature said differently. Seemed like it was a pretty good day compared to what we have been hearing.

    P.S. Happy Now Danob1????

    Posts: 4179

    Thanks for the update Jr. In my 2 trips out last week, 90% of all of our bites were from Lake City to Pepin. Coupled with your results and Vandy’s reports, it sounds like the lower end of the pool is the place to be for the time being.

    Posts: 11

    Happy Happy Happy!!! I see you took my advice to post JR!

    Thanks for the update, It was fun fishing with you and your Dad and Sister. Too bad the top end of 4 was slow. Looks like the lower end will be the place to go for now.

    Stop by anytime when you come through Everts.

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 1041

    Here are a couple of pics from our day on the water.

    This is me with a 20 incher

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 1041

    This is my neice with a 21 incher.

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 1041

    Last one is of my sister holding the slimer.

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