Pool 9

  • tony_p
    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 1792

    Well the weekend was a rough one for me.I shared my boat woth AmWatson and my nephew.We started out riging on wingdams and clam beds.The bite was a tuff one with little fish to be caught.So we switched up and started to troll some backwaters and still no fish,it was hard to keep a line down with all the junk comeing down the river.Our flow is still very high.So on sunday they talked me in on trying for bass .I have no bass gear at all so I grabed a spinner bait from Watson and off we went.My nephew and Watson each catch a bass right away.So I started throwing to try and catch a bass.On the second cast I just about hit my nephew in the head with the spinnerbait and I threw the rod in the river wich was his .We did get it back and I did catch a nothern that was about 16 inches long.I also got my boat trailer ran over at the landing while I was fishing .My fender and light is broke on that,and the gguy who did fled the scene nice guy there.So my weekend was ruff.Today I stayed home in the A.C..

    Posts: 5130

    Definitely a tough bite this weekend. A lot of boat traffic resulted in some dirty water and a lot of floating grass so trolling was pretty tough Here is Scott’s bass

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9362

    Sorry to hear about the hit and run Tony. That is a real crper.

    You did what…..fished for Bass, Tony, Tony, Tony I guess you had a weak moment with the eyes not bitting. How do the filets on one of those big sunfish look this time of the year

    mountain man
    Coon Valley, WI.
    Posts: 1419

    There’s been a lot of the parking lot crap this year I got it too. Sorry to hear it happened to you too.

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 1792

    I didn’t get any fillets I was scared to touch it . Lawrence the parking lot thing sucks.I was out working on my trailer after work,I have to go buy a new marking light.I got the fender fixed.

    Posts: 814

    where did you put in at tony?

    Posts: 95

    Not to change the subject but I thought I would post this on the pool 9 thread being that’s where we’ve been fishing.

    I have a question on some walleyes I’ve been catching in the past 2 days. I have caught one saugeye and two walleyes that have small spots all over there body. They are black and about the size of a pin head or smaller.
    Has anyone else caught any like this? I’m just wondering what is causing this. They were caught all in the same area.


    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 1792

    The trailer got ran over friday at the landing at North Shore Lane in Onalaska WI.It did not happen down here on pool 9. Sal I have not ran into this with the walleye yet.I plan on hitting the water hard this weekend, if I run into this I will let you know.

    Dubuque, Iowa
    Posts: 1030

    I caught one like that last year down here on pool 12 at Dubuque. The fish had hundreds of tiny black spots. It was the only one I caught like that and I haven’t seen it since. I figured it might be some sort of grub. Panfish can get the same sort of black spots.

    While we are on the subject of unusual walleyes I caught one last night that was yellower than any walleye I have ever seen. The tip of the tail fin was white but everything else that should have been white was as yellow as a dandelion. I caught 6 other walleyes in the same location and they were all normal looking. I’ve caught yellowish/golden colored walleyes many times but this one was not like those. All fish were released so maybe I’ll catch him again.


    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 1792

    I caught a walleye today with spots on it,I wounder if there worms. The walleyes here on pool 9 are on fire .We boated 25 eyes today My brother inlaw and I.we keep 9 fish.Rigging is the key for us.I will put up a better post on suday.All I can say for location is wingdams .

    Posts: 814

    wow great job tony maybe i should have fished the river this weekend.

    Posts: 56

    OK, I need some serious help. I fished pool 9 all day saturday. My friend from N.C. and I fished wingdams around Lansing, a couple running sloughs, and the channels by ferryville. Not one single Walleye was boated. We tried trolling, casting and Jigging. Cranks, spinner rigs, crawlers, jigs and plastic, no walleyes. Anyone willing to help a brother out?? Is there a good pool 9 guide out there? I won’t be out there for a while but I’m curious to see what I was doing wrong, which this year seems to be everything!!

    [email protected]

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