Genoa National Fish Hatcheries Info

  • mountain man
    Coon Valley, WI.
    Posts: 1419

    I saw an intersting note in the Clements Fishing Barge newspaper and did a little calling and came up with a little info that some of you might find interesting. After confirming it with Roger at Genoa National hatchery I understand a little better why Pool 9 has been getting better for Blue Gills and so steady for walleye.

    First Walleye… between 2 and 5 million frey are release into pool 9 each year.

    Bluegill.. are also being released.

    Now without being a Biologist I don’t pretend to know what percentage of those frey will survive, but it at least has gotten them past the spawn and into frey stage. In many ways taking some of the yearly spawn variables out of the picture.

    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 309

    Hey Mountain Man,

    I sure wish Iowa would stock more of their waters. Do you know is stocking on the big river done by the feds or is it a state thing. I’d pay twice as much for a license if I knew the money would be used to improve fishing. See ya on the water!!

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