Pool 9 genoa

  • proy
    Huntley, Illinois
    Posts: 6

    Howdy folks, New to the site but am looking for info on the launch at the genoa powerplant.Heard tales of lots of ice (as in froze solid) Any info would be appreciated and any info on launches further south in the same pool would also be great. Will be arriving on the 3rd. Good fishing to all.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9362

    Welcome to IDA proy

    I’m sure you will hear about Genoa. I can tell you, Dresbach is froze all the way across! If you do Genoa, make sure to have some sand for the ramp, just incase


    Huntley, Illinois
    Posts: 6

    Thanks Bret,Yea it sure is a steep one. I will have a few bags with me. Looks like its gonna be a last minute decision.

    mountain man
    Coon Valley, WI.
    Posts: 1419

    I’ll try to get down to check today..

    Huntley, Illinois
    Posts: 6

    I was just reading a map of the area and it looks like there is a Victory landing about 7 or 8 miles south of Genoa. Does anyone have any info on this launch. Thanks.

    Eastman Wi
    Posts: 349

    The Victory landing is a primitive landing,all sand but the drop in to the water is good.Only room for about 10 rigs.It is best to have four wheel drive.

    Huntley, Illinois
    Posts: 6

    Thanks Len, dont happen to know if its open do you?

    Eastman Wi
    Posts: 349

    I heard it was but I haven’t been up there.They are using the launch at Genoa.

    Huntley, Illinois
    Posts: 6

    That part about using the Genoa launch is music to my ears.Thanks for the info Len.

    mountain man
    Coon Valley, WI.
    Posts: 1419

    Appeared to be 4 or 5 boats out today. Area in front of landing judging by the large pieces of floating ice everywhere is probably being broken open by boats each day. I see the commercial fisherman have there boxes stacked in the parking lot so I imagine they are keeping it open. Tonight 4:30 the ice had all moved back together and I imagine the boats coming in will have to work a little to get in and load. 10 day temps forecast. Tonight 21 Sat 27/9( 9 is not a typo) Sun 30/20 Monday 32/15 Tuesday 32/18 WED 27/21 THUR 28/18 FRI 28/19 SAT 37/26 SUN 36/24 Before you get too excited about Sat Sun temps 9 and 10 days from now you should know 4 days ago they were suppose to come next Monday and two days ago they were suppose to be here Weds.. feel free to post again or PM as we get closer.

    Huntley, Illinois
    Posts: 6

    Thanks Lawrence i’ll do that.

    mountain man
    Coon Valley, WI.
    Posts: 1419

    Well they changed the forecast on weather.com again back to what it was a week ago.. Mon 38/22 TUES 40/30 WEDS 37/29 THURSDAY – SUNDAY MID TO UPPER 30S FOR HIGHS low to mid 20s at night so watch the landing in the morning.. probably every day this week’s temps will like they always do this time of year depend on Sun or no sun.

    Stoddard, WI
    Posts: 104

    Revised Weather Report, she will be wide open by the time you get up here. 47 deg on Wednesday and mid 30 the rest of the week they should be popping. Remember through everything back over 20″!

    Melrose Park IL
    Posts: 5

    Awesome info guys, can’t beat the IDA group. I am going to be up near Dakota in a week or so. Hope the temps stay above freezing.

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