Pool 4

  • redneckjr
    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 1037

    We head out to the river for the first time since thanksgiving today. We got there around noon and after a shot talk with Dean off we went. Right after we got to the dam I had 1 in the boat. My dad and Colten(sledhead) or I had at least one in the boat for the next 3-4 drifts. Then all at once it got cloudy and the fish all but shut down for us. For the next hour it was a small fish here and there. After that is completely shut down, for the next 2 hours I don’t think that we even boated a fish except for my dads sutrgens. Dustin reassured us that the evening bite would be better than the present time, so we waited. Then sure enough about 4:15 the fish started biting again. It wasn’t fast paced but it was enough to keep everyone interested. Our best colors for the day were:
    Ringworms; chart./orange core, catalpha, black/chart., chart. peper, & Stewart’s Pro Blue
    Doos; silver glitter
    Paddletails; Caltapha & electric blue pearl
    H2O jigs; chart./orange, chart./green, & black
    Our best producer was tied between caltapha and chart./orange core on 5/16 oz. heads. We ended the day with 12 fish most about 14 inches at about 5:30. Colten had the biggest fish for almost the entire day with a 17.5 inch sauger after catching it 30 seconds after my dad’s 17 inch sauger, only to be edeged out on the last drift by my 18 inch walleye. These were our only fish over 15 inches all day. Here is colten and me with our big fish.

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Thanks for the report. there will be mild temps in our near future and lots of good fishing days ahead in the next 3 months.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    Good job guys! Good to hear you let senior reel a couple to the boat!

    MN Rosemount
    Posts: 240

    i thought i had redneck beat up untill the last cast (about) when he reels that thing in that beats me by a 1/2 inch

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