Pool 2 7/20/01 Report

  • kooty
    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I promised a report so here goes. Put in at Hidden Falls at 4:45pm. Caught first 16″ eye at 5:05. Managed one other myself, but the partner, Danger, landed several fish. He was on the inside all night. We caught serveral smallies, but no real size. A couple were in the 12″ range. Danger foul hooked a carp right below the ford dam by the island. That was a fun 15 minutes chasing that thing around. Check out my website on Monday for pics of the beast. This was the ugliest carp I’ve ever seen. He looked like he had been through WWII, the carp. We pulled walleye divers and shad raps all evening in the chartreuse and blue/orange colors. Didn’t work real hard and managed to have a very enjoyable evening on a very quiet stretch of river.

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