I think I’m snagged

  • Kerry Harvey
    Brownsdale, MN.
    Posts: 286

    “I think I’m snagged, no wait a minute, it’s a log.No I think it’s a fish.” Those were the first words out of Roger Svebakkens mouth, 45 minutes later we had this 53inch sturgeon in the boat.Roger hooked this one in the top fin back by the tail.
    A question, what is the best way to hold a fish this size verticle? I wanted to take a pic that way but we did’nt want to hurt the fish.

    Kerry Harvey
    Brownsdale, MN.
    Posts: 286

    We did get some sauger today. Ringworms, paddletails, and superdoo’s all worked. Best depths 22′ to 27′. Chartruse pepper and catalpa were our best colors. The photo above is Roger with a couple of eaters.

    Kerry Harvey
    Brownsdale, MN.
    Posts: 286

    AlvinMack, Roger is a tough old bird, but after he was done fighting it he said he was a bit tired. Were you the one in the river pro? I saw alot of familar faces today but I’m not good with names. Take care.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    It sure was nice of Roger to let you hold a couple of his fish as well Hawg!Good to see ya & merry xmas!

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586


    There is no good way to hold a fish that size vertically. Muskies are a good analogy, I think, and there is a general agreement among avid muskie anglers and biologists that vertical holds kill big muskies.


    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Good job Roger. Nice shot of the fish Kerry. I agree, there really isnt a good way to hold a big sturgeon vertically. Pretty easy to tear out the gill plates.


    Spring Valley, MN
    Posts: 4

    You need a good boat pilot to land a fish that size on such light tackle. He gave us a merry chase. Thanks Kerry


    Dave G
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 631

    Hey Sway & Kerry,

    That sure was a fine sturgeon you got and will make for great memories for both of you. Now I wish I would have waited to see that fish rather than leaving to make a few more drifts, but the saugers were biting for us then and we did not want to miss out on any action. I am glad you took a picture to share with us.

    Dave Gulczinski
    PS: Your sturgeon weighed much more than all the football shaped saugers we caught that day.

    South Minnesota
    Posts: 675

    Nice sturgeon Kerry. Like someone said it took a good boat man to get that thing in the boat!!! Those saugers are sure plump!! Are you catching them vertical jigging?

    Merry Christmas


    Kerry Harvey
    Brownsdale, MN.
    Posts: 286

    Gundy, Yep we’re getting them verticle jigging. Those sauger kinda look like me, pleasingly plump.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Thanks for the report and pics Bud. Nice fish guys.
    Thanks, Bill

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