Pool 2 11-05

  • walzer
    Afton, MN
    Posts: 125

    The last couple of days I have been on the St. Croix catching cookie cutter 17″ walleyes. I wanted to head down to Pool 2 on Saturday to catch a hawg.
    I have limited experience on this stretch of river, but I’m starting to really love it. Everytime I go, I always set a new personal best. Today proved to hold true to that as well.
    Today we were pitching B Fish N Tackle Precision jig heads, and their Ringworms, and K tail grubs. 1/4 oz and 3/16 oz jigheads did the trick for us today. We worked a few wingdams, with not much coming from them today, so we started working the shoreling structure. We managed to pull in 5 nice walleyes today, working a hump just out from a backwater inlet. The fish ranged from 20″ to 29 1/2″. My dad set his new personal best again, in back to back trips down to Pool 2, with a really fat 29 1/2″ 12.25 lb hawg. He really loves Pool 2 now, and I see why.

    Derek W.

    Afton, MN
    Posts: 125

    A couple more Pool 2 eyes.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Nice fish guys. Sounds like you two will have no problem talkin each other into going again very soon.
    Thanks, Bill

    Afton, MN
    Posts: 125

    Thanks Bill,
    I know my arm won’t have to be twisted to get back to Pool 2. I’m sure I’ll be back there on Saturday. I’ve been spending a lot of time of the Croix lately, but that may soon change if I keep hauling in the big girls.

    Derek W

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