Post deleted by jake
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Mississippi River » Mississippi River – Walleye » lesson learned *DELETED*
lesson learned *DELETED*
November 8, 2002 at 10:11 pm #247791
Try not to get discouraged. Hunting is a great thing to do this time of year but fishing on the big river is outrageously good in November. This month is the best time to be on the river for large numbers and the best chance at a trophy fish
November 8, 2002 at 10:15 pm #247792jake definitely needs to get turned on to some Kalins or ringies.
November 8, 2002 at 11:40 pm #247796jake, you talking about Fri. the 1st. or the 8th. As good as it was on the 6th. I’d be surprised if it was the 8th. It can change in a hurry somtimes, We have all seen it.
November 9, 2002 at 2:09 am #247798Jake, suppose you owned the Evert’s property……….how much would you charge to see your bills and taxes met? There’s overhead, maintenence, staffing, insurances, state and federal obligations, and there’s still a need to have enough left over for food, clothes, and transportation. $7/launch on Mississippi riverfront? Have you looked into this lately??? Geez, cut ’em some slack.
November 9, 2002 at 3:10 am #247799you know what? I think there is some sort of phenomena that just likes to mock sportsmen… I remember if I was hunting Grouse I would see Turkey…. If I was hunting Turkey I would see Deer… If I was hunting Deer I would see Grouse….. If I was hunting the fishing was great.. if I was fishing the hunting was great… I think maybe its a grass is greener on the other side scenario…….
with all THAT being said… I WILL say that it WAS your first time down there…. now the first time you hunt Ducks in a new spot do you usually have them totally dialed in? yes, right now the fishing on pool 4 is GREAT…. but they are NOT always on a suicidal tear…. just at times…. and at other times you would almost swear there wasnt a decent fish down there….. On Wednesday I heard the Wi side had the best bite in the morning….. so I went to the Wi side and it was pretty slow… I KNOW they were down there I lost count of how many times I felt a fish and pulled up a walleye scale on my hook…. I looked over to the Mn side and the shade over there… and I thought… hmmmmm maybe they are biting on the shady side… and yep.. they sure were…. then later still I thought…. they bit on the Wi side in the morning when THAT was the shady side.. and bit on the Mn side in the afternoon when THAT was the shady side……… hmmmmmmmmm are you thinking what Im thinking? well anyway all that goes out the window if its cloudy anyway….. there are just so many factors and it takes a while to be able to quickly recognize and exploit them…….
but sure… stick to ducks… or deer…. all I can say is that November is one heck of a month to be fishing the river…. its probably MY personal favorite… because there are lots of fish to go around and relatively few anglers…. there has been only around 20 boats out the last 2 times Ive been at the dam…. compared to 10 times that number in the spring its blissfully empty out there…….. and of course you dont HAVE to fish the dam…. there are fish in many places.. a little time spent on the river will put you on some OTHER patterns….. and you get lots of great info on HOW to GET them and HOW to FIND them…..November 9, 2002 at 11:55 am #247801Jake, I have to agree with Dustin and Rivereyes. I also was out there on Friday the 8th, got on the water around 8:30. Fishing wasn’t the best but it was better than being at work. I managed to catch a limit of nice 15″ to 18″ walleyes/saugers. It also took me 5 hours to do it, but in the meantime I caught about 30 short ones, had a few conversations and was glad I took the day off. I know from experience that the next time you might load the boat in an hour. Hang in there and I hope you give the river another chance. It will not let you down.
November 9, 2002 at 4:34 pm #247805I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again. Everyday there will be people who do fantastic and people who have a terrible day. Some of it’s luck, some skill, some times you just can’t explain it. I know James Holst and the rest of his staff pride themselves on giving accurate information on this website. If they’re not biting, we’ll say that. I know I have had some reports and have told people that have called for fishing info, that the fishing “sucks” if it is bad.
Jake, as far as the launch fee…..I’ll never make everyone happy unless I don’t have one at all. There are people that say I could charge $10 and they would be happy to pay that and there are guys that would complain if they had to pay $1. This is a business and we’re just trying to make money just like anyother business would. I’m not trying to sound rude here, just wanted to state my side of it.
I know what you mean about the ducks though, it’s hard to see all the ducks flying and hear all the shooting while you’re fishing. November just doesn’t have enough days in it! I wish you better luck next time out. Thanks.
November 9, 2002 at 4:42 pm #247806Nice ramps, good parking,nice location, helpful people! Worth $7 to me.
November 9, 2002 at 8:11 pm #247812$7 is a bargain. Bait is resonable, plus ask the guys for the techniques to fish, ther always willing to give information. Previously I bought my bait in Red Wing and used the ramps there. It is 10 minutes longer for me to use Everts but the $7 is well worth it. Take a guide trip with Dustin or James, it is money well spent.
bigpikePosts: 6259November 10, 2002 at 12:22 pm #247824another tip is you can use the free public ramp down the road, i find the piece of mind I get from parking at Everts is worth the 7$, I have always been treated great there and I recieve dependable fishing info that saves me time on the water, and i dont have to worry about my truck being ran sacked, also i can clean my fish if I choose in the fish house and use the facilitys. I’ve said it before I’ll say it again…..Everts Rocks!!!!
November 10, 2002 at 2:18 pm #247829Jake: I go along with you, as duck season only comes around this one time of the year. Oh don’t forget about those deer, Pheasant’s, & turkeys… You see one less body on the river makes one more place for me to fish. Good luck to ya, & to each his own. {John}
November 10, 2002 at 2:47 pm #247830Aw, guys. You keep forgetting. Two of the biggest advantages to parking at Everts!
1) you get to see a lot of the people you read online. And you know, they’re all great folks!
2) You get free advice on how to fish, what’s biting and where they’re biting. Little tidbits that make the whole payment thing worthwhile.
On top of that, where else can one find a hosted ramp? I pay for that, too. A smile and a friendly face is always well worth the trouble.
November 10, 2002 at 5:19 pm #247833Hey Jake, fishing is fishing, not always catching as they say. When what you are doing isn’t working, look around you and see if another boat is catching fish. If they are then study what they are doing and repeat it as they are catching fish. Using myself for an example: Sat. I was fishing a tournament and it was 10:00 and not a legal size fish in the boat. Nate Cadwell drives by us going back up stream to start his drift again and asked us how we are doing. I gave him a thumbs down and he holds up 5 fingers. I looked at my partner and said the hec with this. We were drifting the inside edge of the current break, where they are suppose to be, and Nate was drifting the faster water and catching alot of fish and bigger ones. So we moved out into the faster water and bam, bigger fish caught. Paying attention to details, even another fishermans details who is catching fish, can put more and bigger fish in the boat. A lession that I was happy to learn.
November 11, 2002 at 5:04 am #247851hi Jake, Good luck duck hunting, one helpful hint I’ll offer. You didn’t catch anymore fish because you probably kept the first one. the unspoken rule is you have to release a fish to catch another one. Jack
November 11, 2002 at 3:47 pm #247860Hey, Jake why not shoot some ducks on the river.. there are some good spots that don;t get much pressure and then go catch some fish…. then you get the best of both worlds….. jsut a thought
November 11, 2002 at 9:19 pm #247876sorry i didn’t reply to y’all this weekend, i was duck hunting . wasn’t much better then the fishing was though, suprise, suprise . as for all those questions and comments, here goes nothing;
kalins and ringers ???
a trophy would be nice
friday the 8th
i could see $3-$5
thats true
i agree
all the shooting killed me
good point
ramps around Redwing ??
i’ll look into it
thank’s for being on my side
they were smiling
we were watching others, they weren’t catching either
threw him back, catch and release for the future
i do duck hunt the river and have actually tried to talk my bodies into going fishing, but it’s all they can do to stay awake as they’re driving home.woof , that was a mouth full. well, i think that covered everyone. hope to hear back.
nordPosts: 750November 11, 2002 at 9:47 pm #247881Steve, I’ve been using your ramp for thirty years. If I would not stop using it when Tony was running it, I would never have a reason to stop. The price you charge is still a real deal.
November 11, 2002 at 10:37 pm #247883funny post jake.
Kalins and ringies are plastic baits that seem to work well on the walldads. I had success with both of them on Wednesday the 6th on Pool 4. you tend to get a better size fish on the plastics and funny,
they sell both of them here in the website store.November 12, 2002 at 1:55 am #247889Jake………..did you do all that in one breath? Okay, you answered the question I asked……… now my challange is this. Can you find, anywhere on the Mississippi, where you can get all that’s available at Evert’s for $3-$5? Launches to launches as apples to apples. LMK what your research turns up!
November 12, 2002 at 7:11 pm #247927Steve, did you ever come up with a season pass ? now much ? just wondering !
November 12, 2002 at 11:06 pm #247936stillakid, as you may have guessed my experince with ramp fee’s is little to none. i almost always use public landings and the only reason i didn’t was because i didn’t no where any were around redwing. the only other spot that i have actually paid to put my boat in was at camp lacupolis. it was a while ago but i think that it was $5. i guess i can’t speek for anywhere else and i do realize that all that they’re trying to do is make money which is fine. the facilities at public ramps are usually deacent and i think i’ll just stick to them from now on.
November 12, 2002 at 11:17 pm #247937Steve runs a great launch, sells bait, and tackle. He tells whats working and where, and he;s a great person. When the cold cold mths hit us and the ramps freeze up, Steve keeps his ramps in good shape. Started fishing mid Jan. this year and had no problem paying the price. Thanks Steve
Lifes to short to fish with dead minnows! Jim
November 13, 2002 at 12:35 am #247945Hey Jake, ………………..of course, to each his own. It’s just that I understand what is and isn’t available for launches and onsite services around the area and for $7, Steve and Co. there at Evert’s are truly offering a MORE than fair price and it’s hard to see ’em take a poke in the ribs over it. I have nothing against anyone going where they need to go and using the public launches but when a day’s effort is less than desirable, it might’ve been worth the money to get a current report from the docks that you can count on. The public launch has no guarantee that the guy coming in is a good fisherman or not but we know that Steve’s got some of the area’s sharpest anglers around on a regular basis and his advisement could prove beneficial.
If you would’ve had a day nailing fish after fish after fish, would you still have been dissatisfied with the launch fee?
All I’m addressing is perspective Jake. I don’t believe for a second that you’re a bad guy or lacking any wisdom, or that there’s anything wrong with your preferences. I’ve simply found a true value to the Evert’s services and availability 365 days a year. For the fee charged and all that is available onsite, these good people can’t be beat.
See ya on the water Jake! We’ll be there with a .
November 13, 2002 at 1:36 am #247951Hi Jake….
what the PUP says is true…. of course… he dont lie… heck… I cant even get him to SIT…. but…. heres my take on things.. if you cant afford a launch fee thats kool…. there are 2 launches available…. the one on the wisconsin channel is open pretty much all year.. its a bit farther back… and it CAN get real slick.. make sure you bring some sand just in case…. Ive seen a heavy boat pull a vehicle right down the ramp on the ice…. you usually stop when the boat hits water…. and if you got 4 wd you can usually get back up… and with some sand down you can get out too….. Ive been spoiled launching at Everts… the ramp decline is much more gentle.. its very seldom iced in…. and Steve is around to help just in case you might need it…… Im not worried about anyone breaking into my vehicle… well its all good…. but then I not only can afford the launch fee… Ive come to view it as a good investment for my peace of mind…..
but I will say one thing… if you launch at the wisconsin channel launch… you can still swing by Everts and pick up some bait or tackle… and hear whats going on up at the launch.. and probably run into a couple of other “FTR Characters”…. in fact I can tell you for sure if you go there tommorrow morning you will run into me….. Nate and I are heading out for a bit of pool 4 fun…….November 13, 2002 at 2:46 am #247959Jake,
None of the public ramps are as ice free as Everts come late December and right into late February! None of the public ramps will have a dock out either ! The fee is well worth it to me. And believe it or not, us staff guys pay just like everyone else!!
November 13, 2002 at 2:58 am #247961Steve does keep the ramp ice free and even has coffe around on cold days…… he just got done remodeling the biate shop as well……
The launch fee is well worth the 7$ dollars, heck I would pay $12 if steve wouldn’t come out and talk to me…..DONOTDELETEPosts: 780November 13, 2002 at 3:02 am #247963It sounds like $7.00 is a steal for most using Everts’ launch and other facilities. Maybe $10-$12 would be unreasonable for launching, especially in the winter months. After all, we do want them to stay in business.
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