Pool 13 reports?

  • VANT
    Stockton, IL
    Posts: 5

    Hey, any reports from Pool 13? Thinking about heading down there this weekend. I understand the water is low & fishing is tough? Anybody got anything optimistic? Thanks, VANT

    Freeport, IL
    Posts: 4

    I was out on Saturday. Water is still low and very warm. I mainly concentrated on pan fish. Stayed around Savanna mostly. Caught a few small ones and several rough fish. I didn’t do any walleye fishing on this trip, but I would think they would need cooler water to turn on. I think I am going to wait a couple of weeks to go out. Hopefully this cold front coming through will cool things off at night. I am not sure what you were looking to catch. I know the area fairly well if you want to email me back.
    Glad to see another guy from the area on the board.

    Orangeville Ilinois
    Posts: 52

    I’ll be down this weekend and will post on monday if i do any good. Will probobally go for crappies and will be fishing around savanna ,sabula area

    Remeber keep your lines in the water were all in this together.

    Orangeville Ilinois
    Posts: 52

    Caught a few crappies off the houseboat at the dock. Most were decent sized. Didn’tgo out in the flat bottom to much because of the rain.

    Remember keep your lines in the water were all in this together.

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