I went out and hit Pool 6 yesterday afternoon and evening. Trolling crawlers and small creek chubs in front of the wing dams(willow cats were sold out ) produced a couple of sheepshead and a small mudcat, while trolling cranks in front of them produced nothing at all.
I saw a lot of shad jumping out of the water right behind the dams, so I went to casting cranks across the dams from below them, and that produced oodles of smallies, with a couple of largemouth, a 16″ ‘eye, a couple of saugers, and several white bass thrown in. All these fish, including the saugers and walleye, came from either right behind the dam, or further below it.
FWIW, I was up here this time last year, with the same water conditions and the same weather, and I was pounding the walleye and sauger in front of these same wing dams. I was hoping for the same yesterday, but no dice.