Well I have been guiding and fishing Bass for a bunch of weeks now, but when I heard the bigger walleye were hitting I had to check it out. Nobody was exagerating….Tuesday morning about 10:00 on ,(the middle), my favorite wing dam I caught a 26 inch slender male,and this morning at just about the same time about a half mile away,(out on the end), a big square ALSO 26 INCH female”SHEEEEEEEBA” came into the boat, while Reid Ekern and I were working over another wing dam. We got a couple nice fish to back it up later in the day. Tuesday was on a Generic Crawfish rattlie trap, and this morning it was on a pink and purple “Walleye Killer”with a chunk of crawler. Afternoon fish were on riggin jiggin rigs with crawlers. Lawrence
September Sheeba(Walleye) 26″ and 26 inch.
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