Wild Finish to Monday on Pepin

  • sgt._rock
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    My son and I hit Pepin out of the Hoksila launch yesterday and had a hot and sweaty day trolling and casting rip-rap and flooded timber on the WI side across from Hoksila all the way to Bay City flats. Picked up a 1/2 dozen short eyes and sauger along with a bunch of small white bass and one sheepie. Did manage to get a few eater eyes upriver from the Rush in 12-16fow. And a few small smallies along the rocks. Just a fun day out with my son and trying to learn the system.
    The excitement came as we out ran the storm to the dock. Getting there along with about 8 other boats it was a scramble to get out of the water as the front hit. We had 4 footers rolling straight into the dock and washing over the back of every boat as you struggled to get on the trailer. The neat part is that most people pitched in to help each other and other than one guy dislocating a shoulder nobody got seriously hurt. The guy with the shoulder swamped his Tracker bassboat but we managed to get it out and pick up all the floating debris. I’m sure somewhere in the process he lost some gear. The last boat in was an old couple in a small old Lund and they were pretty terrified. 6 of us managed to hold it while the woman got out and was lead to shore. The guy stayed in the boat and someone backed their truck down. We man handled it onto the trailer with rain and hail pelting us and got it out. He was shaking pretty good. Up in the lot we grunted most of the boats straight on trailers and shook hands all around. Just a group of strangers helping each other out.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 23

    Good story. It’s always nice to know there are people out there to lend a hand, I’ve needed one a few times myself over the years. Especially at wind blown boat ramps..

    Osseo, WI
    Posts: 335

    I agree, I was just recently in need of assistance at the last IDA tourney when the winds picked up and the outboard wouldn’t start. Can’t thank them enough for their help. Especially Bill. Thanks again.

    Northwest Illinois
    Posts: 1251

    Great story sarge! Thanks for sharing it with us. All to often we hear only about the jerks on the river and the annoyances they create. It is great to hear the positive side of things!

    Dave G
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 631

    If that happens again a person may want consider going into one of the more protected harbors if possible and waiting out the storm front. Hanson’s Harbor would be a good choice at that end of the lake, Lake City harbor in the center of the Lake, and Pepin harbor near the bottom of the lake. If the storm does not let up while in the protected harbor, you could ask someone to give you a ride to pick up your trailer so you could load at the protected harbor.

    Dave Gulczinski

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Yeah you really gotta pay attention to the weather on big water, I’ve been out with friend in a little slow boat in some nasty weather as they would refuse to go in, luckily we didn’t get into trouble, but it’s just not worth it. Great job on the team work.

    Posts: 170

    You just mad my day with your report. It is really refreshing to hear about the really nice and helpful people that are fishermen and women. I know that my wife and I keep a close watch on the weather when we are out on the big lake after being caught in that squall a few years ago. I thought w4 were both going to die in that one. Now I am a wimp about the weather out there.

    Cedar Falls, IA
    Posts: 380

    Its good to hear people will still help on another. My grandpa and I have helped quite a few people over the years that have been in need and have been helped out by others when we were in need of assistance. To offen in our society we do not hear about the good nature of people. Though i am sure well over 90% of people are good we only usally here about the bad apples. Good to here you helped.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    One of the other good parts to the chaos was that I met a buddy that I hadn’t seen in about 5 years. He has a little place in Lake City and we ended up there for cold ones and a burger while drying off. Can’t beat that. On the way back to Rochester my son says, “Gee Dad that was fun, but what are we going to tell Mom” He’s learning real well!!

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