RCL cancelled!!

  • WalleyesInc
    Posts: 13

    That was not the case. All the entries were not posted and also even in previous cases where there wasnt a full field there was a complete payback. The RCL is a class act and are in the buisness to stay as seen by there sponsors. The real issue here is that an article got things blown out of proportion and will end up making the city and people involved look foolish. How come Mr lamb did not mention any of the local tournaments going on that are kill tournaments. Mr. Lamb failed to mention the RCL offered to restock with 50,000 fish fry , As you can see from the posts here there were quite a few people waiting to sign up. Also plenty of people already in town spending money. Mike Gofron and I are still hoping to fulfill our comittments at our own cost and bring a postive spin to this very negative taste it has left in a lot of peoples minds. The drawing for free trips with Mike and myself and all the prizes can be seen at http://www.wkbt.com/rcl_walleye/main.html if you would like WKBT TV to continue please e-mail them or call them at [email protected]

    Posts: 5

    maybe i should clarify. i believe what Kristi meant by the “fishery” was the effect the tournamanet would have on the river, PR, and the community. it seems there are those that are commited to making it very difficult for any organization to come into their home town and sponsor an event.

    as far as losing money, i would think on the top side it appears as so, but underneath what type of write off does this create for Wal Mart, and also the outside revenue from just the tournament it creates. marketing i think is what it is called.

    i believe the RCL is doing the right thing, and also believe it is not because of the field size for the reason of cancellation. they have proven at all other events they have a book by which they go by and stick to it. examples: they could have moved the May Lax date to another water, but chose to give the community the benefits and postponed the event to July; in Erie they chose to not let the competitors out for a day because of weather – once again showing their is a greater casue than dollars and cents.

    it is hard to believe what some people think i guess, but i can read between the lines on this one and any organization that is so commited to the anglers, the communities, and the fishery cannot be bad in my humble opinion.


    Posts: 80

    Once again Mr. Lamb has taken the cap off of his pen and removed all doubt that he is the cheesehead of the year! PETA is good they have a outdoor writer on there staff.


    Edited by admin on 07/12/01 08:52 AM.

    Posts: 5

    wow. i sure am glad he is in Wis and not MN. not that it matters, it affects all of us. i just sent a rather large email to him, and strongly urge the rest of you to do as well. he is unwilling to come in here and face any of us, only shows his worth as an arrogant, self righteous jerk. he is completely misleading the public, and he is the one that can solely take the blame. not that he cares at this point, but i gotta hand it to him – if he is looking to stir the pot, he did more than that, he kicked the whole kettle over.

    what a terrible thing to call himself an “outdoorsman”.


    Posts: 13

    I agree Mr. Lamb is virtually biased and it seems the LaCrosse Tribune hangs with him. How can they continue to print only one side. Instead of blocking boat ramps people should be blocking the papers distribution. How many other one sided views can you get from a single news source. I know the paper has been e-mailed and called yet they fail to print anybodies views but there own. Never a mention of the positive sides of the sports. He is well aware that we are still going to come to town, have a kids fishing derby, give away our free trips and more to help bail out some of the sponsors but he makes no mention of that. He calls for DNR reform. He has made no mention the Operation Walleye tried to even replace the fish with 50,000 fry at there cost. No mention of all the ways they tried to work through this. He is afraid to go and say how much the community really lost. He mentions that locals were in an uproar about the RCL coming and killing the fish but no mention of how many people have disagreed with there opinion the only opinion he believes in is his own. I find it appaling that this paper lets only one side be heard. They have of course taken his original article off after all of this started from the website even though untill the tournament was cancelled it remained on there for a week. He admits his bias but the paper still prints his column with no room for rebuttal. I dont see him calling for the cancellation of sunfish days catfish days or anything else just hes happy the RCL isnt coming.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    The more I read from this guy the more my oil starts to boil. I’m going to wait til my head cools down a little and write to the editor and Bob, again. He certainly isn’t a conservationist in my eyes.

    Again, I have no affiliation with the RCL or any other tourney organization, I’m just standing up for what I believe in. Walleye fishing is a true passion for me. I could do it year round, if I could make a living at it somehow. Unfortunately at this point I haven’t figured that one out. When I do I’ll make sure to patent it. Anyway, we all need to stand together as fisherman and make it known we will not be treated unfairly!!!

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    We are giving this guy everything he wants, publicity, and a soap box! I’m done with him. I feel bad for the people of LAX. But this weekend, I am excercising the only right I have…I’m booking my hotel rooms in LaCrescent, and buying everything here in MN.

    Good luck to all this weekend!


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