RCL cancelled!!

  • Anonymous

    I just found out, stand by for more details, for now, you can read about it here. I think I know who is responsible for this but I need to get the facts straight.

    Walleye tournament canceled

    Steve HougomFTR Webstaff

    Posts: 3

    Hougie, let us know asap what you can verify.It’s pretty late in the game to be cancelling the tourney that’s about 2 weeks away.If this is true the RCL is in serious trouble for future walleye tournaments……..LaCrosse would only have been the 3rd one ever held…? Just yesterday the pro&co-angler list was posted on their website approx. 80 people on each side, the numbers may not be enough to run the tournament since a full field would have been 175 on each side.


    Ive heard from 3 sources this am and two guys I know from La Crosse both are steamed because word is getting out that the BASS guys were complaining the most, Ed Stellner of Onalaska has been mentioned as the loudest voice against this. Also, the Bob Lamb article in the Tribune really hurt the cause, I think it gave people an incorrect perception of reality. He was saying that 115-120 teams would compete but in reality, only 80 some teams were entered and Im guessing the total take would never even reach 1000. Im fishing a local event this weekend that will probably take numbers close to what one days catch in the RCL would, but that event doesnt pay much and doesnt bring in thousands of dollars to the community and feed charity and give anglers a chance to do something that could change there lives. Ive emailed Lax Tribune Outdoors Editor Bob Lamb to see if he can shed more light as to why what he knows about this. I can just about Guarantee that no big events will ever come to La Crosse again, because of this. After thinking it over, particularly after Bear’s post the other day about the low # of entrys and fish kill being pretty low, I had decided that today, I was going to enter the RCL.

    Steve HougomFTR Webstaff

    Edited by hougie on 07/11/01 01:20 PM.


    Here it is:

    Fishing for keeps

    All, I know the facts arent in yet, but irregardless, this is a bit embarrasing to have happen in La Crosse where I live. I think it was a little late in the game for this thing to be cancelled and I honestly dont think the plug should have been pulled at this point. I think the bigger issue is that from what Im hearing some “key” people in La Crosse were doing some whining to Sonny Reynolds and Charlie Evans the leaders of the RCL and I even heard that a bunch of people were going to park there boats in front of the launch to prevent the competitors from taking off.

    Steve HougomFTR Webstaff

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I found the article and even though this has absolutely no affect on me, it really ticks me off. I’m not a huge proponent of tourney’s nor am I against tourneys. The problem is, I get really fired up when the media puts a slant on things. I don’t care if it’s fishing or elm trees. I know I’m asking for a lot, but couldn’t they give us all the facts, not just what they want us to hear.

    Now my knoweldge on elm trees is slim to none, so what I read does have an effect on my perceptions. I would assume the same goes for everyone sitting around reading the trib thinking, holy cow they are going to kill over 3400lbs of fish from “my” river.

    I’m sorry, but number one, this isn’t lake erie, so don’t even try to imply the two fisheries compare. Don’t take that wrong, but does anyone really think they would have pulled the same numbers/weights out of this pool??? I know the mississippi is one great fishery, but lets be realistic.

    Secondly, how many teams competed in Port Clinton since we are comparing?? They “expect” 115-120 boats with a pro and a co-angler. The limit is still five fish a day no matter if they had 4 people in each boat. I feel that statement implies more people, the more fish they will take. I’d hate for Bob to mention the daily bag limit at this point in the article. He doesn’t say anything about how many teams were registered at the time of the article, the break down of teams from day one to day four. This writer is certainly putting his slant on this issue.

    OK, I’m off my soap box and have vented for the day. Thanks for listening.


    Exactly. Its pretty simple math. 5 fish per team well there are only 80 some teams. And after day 2 the field gets cut down by more than half. Now, for the record, I did get an email from Bob asking me to call him. Id prefer he logon here and set it all straight but I suppose I should get Bob’s scoop on this. His email address is [email protected]

    Steve HougomFTR Webstaff

    Posts: 5

    i have already mailed him hougie. i have been an avid reader here, and now feel the need to jump in. why is that because someone conforms with the law (catching a limit), he/she is labeled improperly? this has happened at mille lacs, and thanks to Steve Fellegy in the Outdoor News he has subsided some of those fears of “Meat Hogs”.

    last i looked, if you chose to keep a limit of fish, you were well within your right to do so. now it seems there is another group out there (media, greenies, etc…) that seem to think otherwise. i have been very hot at mille lacs, and now can understand your frustration. i was going to fish as an amateur at this event, and can truly say LaCrosse will be out over $300,000 for this. my only hope is those that drove it away will reimburse the community for their spledid efforts to “Save The Walleye”!!!


    Minnetrista, MN
    Posts: 40

    I just spoke to Sonny Reynolds and he confirmed that the event was canceled. He said that he hadn’t heard from Charlie Moore directly, but, believes that it’s true.

    What a bummer.

    Posts: 13

    I know quite a bit about this situation as I have been working with the RCL very closely to bring these tournaments to LaCrosse. I had set up a promotion with WKBT TV for a drawing where someone was going to win a prefishing trip with myself and Mike Gofron, a free co-angler entry, Lindy Little Joe, Dual Pro, RAM Products, Daiichi, Minn Kota, Subway , Embers, SSE Music, City Brery Monsoors and more were all donating prizes and also industry sponsors. Bob Lamb found out that first off it was going to be a kill tournament and blew the numbers way out of proportion saying 4000 walleyes would be killed was all wrong because even if there were 125 teams for the first two days if everybody limited it would be only 1300 fish then narrowed down to 60 it would be a maximum of 300 more fish and the final day would only ad 60 fish as there are only 12 anglers. Maximum if everybody limited then would be 1660 fish. Knowing how the bite is that wouldnt happen and the numbers would probably be half. What the RCL would bring to LaCrosse is 250 anglers plus support staff for 8 to 10 days buying lodging 50 dollars a day minimum, food 30 dollars a day , gas minimum 50 dollars a day plus bait etc. Not to mention the influx of visitors that would come later from finding out what a great place LaCrosse is. The RCL did not make the decision to make it a kill tournament, the DNR did they offered to replace all walleyes, donate all walleyes to a food pantry, personally supervise the release and care of the walleyes, even work with the hatchery and more we had many events planned for the community and it all went in the dumper because of a article written in the Tribune by Mr Lamb. I fish LaCrosse probably 40 to 50 days a year and have probably only kept one limit of fish a year but have watched as locals go to the dam keep everything in sight and then come back the next day for more. Not to mention some local tournaments that are going to be going on over the next weeks. By my estimates the RCL would have brought in a minimum of 250,000 dollars for the week to local buisness that have been cash starved since the flood. In an area where two major employers have closed the LaCrosse rubber and Trane both closed plants, and Northern engraving has been laying off people. City Brewery is just starting to go . I personally have my wife do alll our Christmas shopping up there and have already spent about $500 to $1000 up there prefishing I know that there are many of us very disappointed that Mr. Lamb failed to make any of the good points for the tournament coming and is using his venue as a reporter not finding out the facts and but printing what he wants to fire up the people. I feel the worst for Sonny Reynolds as when the flood hit instead of going to a different location he went ahead and rescheduled the tournament in the area knowing that LaCrosse is a wonderful area and just a few naysayers have now had there way. My heart goes out to all the people that tried to bring this tournament circuit to LaCrosse knowing that it is a wonderfull area. We all tried to work with Mr. Lamb but would he retract or clarify his position no. I think that the RCL boys deserve there day in the press not just Mr. Lamb

    Posts: 80

    Well 800 I couldn’t have said it better myself. I for one am a local tourney angler who would have been fishing the pro side of this event. I fish these waters probably 100 days a year and like you maybe keep a limit once a year. That is my choice just like it is another person choice to keep there limit every time out. I am just very displeased with how this has turned out just because someone from the media has not given the real facts. It just goes to show that the walleye tournament anglers in LaCrosse get no respect for what they do.


    Troy Patterson

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Good Piece! Why can’t this be forwarded to the “Letters to the editor” section of the paper if they have one. Mr. Lamb should be held accountable for his words and actions. This affects the lives of a LOT of people down there and up here in the cities. Companies in the fishing industry spend TONS of $$$ promoting tournaments such as this. I am afraid that LaCrosse will now be black-balled as a host site in the future because of some mis-information put out by someone going off half-cocked about this or any other tournament. How about a little equal time. We cannot roll over and play dead! Too many of us become passive about our sport, and just take what is handed out by people and groups such as this. No other group (Sportsman as a whole) give back to our rivers and woods as does the hunter and fisherman/woman. License fees, stocking programs, catch and release promotions, etc. Does Mr. Lamb even have a fishing license?



    Thanks Randy for really setting this straight. Saw you last week on the water nice rig! The only thing I have received from Bob Lamb is a one liner email message saying call me. This after I asked him directly to post here and explain to the many angry walleye anglers how this could happen two weeks prior to the the event. Anyone else out there who wants to get behind me and demand to know why this happened, feel free if you need phone numbers or email addresses let me know. We deserve an answer and the chance to voice our opinions. Bear is absolutely 100% right, when your a tournament walleye angler in Lax you get real sick of it because its all BASS. I love the bass guys dont get me wrong but why cant we have our day in the sun too.

    Steve HougomFTR Webstaff

    Posts: 5

    i can get very excited about all of this – obviously! it is a known fact that, after breaking it all down, you can average about $1000 per angler, per 2 day event. that is why i thought $300,000 is not too far out of reach.

    just a note, bob replied back, and it was just a note saying thanks for the letter. i stated to him i hope he feels good about what he has accomplished. how the RCL can continue is beyond me, if they make it they will easily become one of the most, if not the most, tournaments around the nation.

    what i have a hard time understanding is how people like bob feel that they can blatently keep writing their opinions, but then have the balls to come and attack us for what we say on the web to each other?!?! what a joke! i have always been willing to meet face to face with all these so called “environmentalists” and have yet to be taken up on the offer. i stand behind my name and all those that express their views here. without being defamatory, or name calling, our opinion should be just, if not more, important than those of the media.

    once again, if you are going 55 mph, but someone “thinks” we all should be going 45, who is at fault? pretty easy when you put it into those terms. and i am like all you above, i have fished mille lacs a ton, and never brought more than 1 meal home from there – ever. do i care if someone takes his limit – no. and i also do not hold the C and R fisherman in huge esteem. both individuals are excercising their rights, and if within the law, i can truly say i am happy for the both of them.

    just though that i would add that i also contacted the publisher Mike Jameson and told him to read these posts.


    Edited by 800proX on 07/11/01 11:48 AM.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Not long ago I posted my disgruntlement regarding the tourney being changed to a “kill”. I reread my words and in light of statements made on this topic, I feel a change of heart. I never targeted the fishermen but I think one could easily perceive that I was pointing a finger at the RCL, although the intent was at the DNR. There is a lot more at stake, better math is being presented, there’s more conservation following the outcome to replace harvest, and the real issue is the practicing of rights. All of these anglers could be anyone on any given day execising their right on these waters. Being “visitors”, many of them anyway, shouldn’t create extra concern, like this is an added stress to the fishery management. If it was such a problem, the DNR wouldn’t have issued the permit, or at least I don’t think so.

    First of all, thanks to all of you that posted because it has opened the eyes to see a little clearer and understand a little better. Second, I’m ready to help defend “rights” as a fellow angler. I’m no better than anyone else but I can’t stand the thought not “practicing rights”!! LMK what I can do to help, if anything.



    In this particular scenario, those of us with a history of watching waiting and hoping for a big walleye event to come to La Crosse are pretty fed up. You see its starting to become really clear to me whats going on and who has been planting the seeds everytime an event of this nature comes to town. Im really sick of this and its like we have no chance to represent our area like our local bass heros, which we were so excited and proud to do only to have it taken away. Every year in Lax the Red Man or the Everstart or BASS seems to have an event here that goes off real great and is well received while us walleye guys sit and wait. Can someone explain that one to me? Coincidence, I think not! Yet I here the question asked all the time, “how come there arent any walleye tournaments here”, well now we all know why! Im all for protecting the resource first but to upset the great folks in the RCL (Ive heard nothing but super things about the RCL) to the point of calling it off is flat out embarrasing and a major dissapointment.

    Steve HougomFTR Webstaff

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    I’ll put my thoughts together and send it to you. Would please forward it on to Bob Lamb and anyone else you feel is pertinent? I know it’s too late to get the RCL back to LaX for this year, but I hope I can have an affect for next year.


    Ok, im going to stop venting now. I got a little out of control and have been badgering Bob a bit much perhaps. Bob has pointed out to me that I misspoke about him stating in his article the actual numbers of Walleyes that would be caught in this event. I made it sound like Bob said 4000 fish would be caught and that was not the case. That number was thrown out by a visitor on this site and not Bob Lamb.

    I changed my post to reflect what was actually said.

    What was driving my hostility is that for some reason Walleye Tournaments dont come to La Crosse and then one finally does and it gets canceled. I need some sleep Im a little crabby today!

    Steve HougomFTR Webstaff

    Edited by hougie on 07/11/01 01:00 PM.

    Posts: 3

    The RCL is a part of Operation Bass, so I would assume the treatment they’ve received will affect their decision for future bass and walleye tournaments in LaCrosse.They will not return to a hostile or negative climate to promote the fishing industry.LaCrosse has lost the potential of huge economic gains for the area.And if the reports of some “local” boys blocking the tournament boats from the ramps is true……LaCrosse has many more problems than a simple walleye tournament with 80 teams.This is not redneck/hillbilly country.Many fine fisherman live here and a few vocal locals have destroyed the future benefits.LaCrosse will be crossed off the list for tournament sites.

    Posts: 5

    i have to say that i just received a call from Kristi at Operation Bass and she asked me what to do with the entry fee. i opted to put it onto the championship tournament and told her that their perseverance is second to none.

    i asked her to be as candid as she could, and she reaffirmed that the fishery was the ONLY reason for cancellation, and that they will never sacrifice the fishery for the sake of a tournament. she had expressed some anglers are very upset, but that they will not deviate from their long term goal as to being a first class walleye operation with the fish and communities being FIRST, tournament SECOND. i applaud them and cannot think of a more well run organization. one has to remember that they are not contingent upon entrie fees, they have a major sponsor that is picking up the tab (for the time being) and they have the luxury to think responsibly and not be persuaded. i agree that it would be nice to see fields of 150+ teams, but for now, a fledgling series, they are doing all the right moves and the teams will come – without a doubt.

    by not moving the tournament to another water, which they easily could have done, only supports that the RCL series is really after moving the walleye tournament scene forward in a truly positive manner. they have taken all the right steps to ensure everyone is heard and accounted for. i can only support such credible and sincere actions.

    after making my cancellation to the Guest House, i could only feel sorry to the businesses as he stated i was one of fifteen that will be cancelling, bringing in a total of over $2500 in rooms alone for him. i hope in the future it works out again in LAX, because the townsfolk deserve it.


    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Nice report 800proX! But if all the math is correct, is the Lax area that fragile?

    Posts: 1

    I’m very sorry for all the disappointed RCL fishermen and the LaCrosse community as a whole for the July 25-28th tourney being cxl’d.

    It’s a shame how certain people with publishing power can have such a major negative influence (in this case so very economically negative). Anyone against things that are positive should be disbelieved from onset and have chance to be proven wrong. Too bad here.

    This RCL tournament would not have hurt the walleye population in the Mississippi. It would have been a boon to the community $$. It would have increased the everyone’s sense of pride in the entire 100 mile area. It would have been an extremely exciting event for all interested in Pro angling tournaments. It would have been a great challenge to the best walleye fishermen in the country too. Lastly, it definitely would have helped to put LaCrosse on the map for more really big-name walleye events.

    Alas, I’m am sad – because none of the above will happen. I am confident that the good people around LAX will prevent this kind of [censored] from happening again in the future.

    Posts: 13

    I just got off the phone with Mike Gofron , Sonny Reynolds and Erika Kalkofen and we have decided provided that if the Sponsors . WKBT TV and Wal Mart agree Mike and I will not only go ahead with the free fishing trips, we will give out all prizes and even conduct a kids fishing derby and seminar as planned along with some other events. . We will still go to LaCrosse at our own cost and try to put this thing in a positive light with the community and all the anglers that have entered the contest at wkbt.com so far. . Please have your readers if they would like to have Mike and I continue the promotion please show there support by e-mailing [email protected] who worked very hard to pull this promotion off and let the La/crosse Tribune editor know your views about the article at

    [email protected]

    (should be 300 words or less; MUST include real name, real address and phone number where you can be contacted. Please do not send attachments)

    Opinion Page Editor: Richard Mial

    Call Opinion page Editor: 608-791-8219

    FAX letter to the editor: 608-782-9723

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    “Local boys” blocking the ramps??? Does this really happen? I know it’s illegal here in Iowa to interfere with a legitimate outdoor sporting activity. For everyone’s sake, I would hope that people in general would have more sanity than that; of course the evening news proves me wrong more often than not.

    Independence day always gives me new hope that people will remember that countless men, better than us, have gone to the grave in defense of the rights that we enjoy.

    “Reporters” passing their opinions off as news do these men a great disservice, as do bored college kids sitting on boat ramps with signs that say ‘save the walleye.’ I find it hard to believe that the RCL would offer to help in re-stocking the fish if they didn’t plan on continuing the event. I find it nearly impossible to believe that they couldn’t alter the rules such that they had less of an impact.

    Onalaska Wi
    Posts: 4

    Dont want to rile everyone up but maybe another possible reason this thing was cancelled was lack of interest. There was less than half a field registered for this thing and if the RCL website is correct the deadline to register was today (they may have put that there because it was cancelled) I beleive someone said they had 80 teams registered, well this tournament paid $1500 out to 60th place, pretty good chance of getting your entry fee back, I dont care how deep the pockets are of the sponsors, they were going to lose a ton of money.


    Posts: 38

    There is not much more that I can say that has not already been said one way or the other. But, I never would have made my original post if all the facts, I now know, would have been in the LaCrosse Trib. article. Knowing these facts makes all the difference in the world about my feelings concerning the RCL tourney. Now, the only question I have left is, what is the real reason the tournament was cancelled? If, as you say, it was because of the possible damage to the fishery, then it was the right choice. If there was some other underlying reason we are not being told about, then it was a bad choice to cancel and I feel badly for all walleye anglers that were so looking forward to this tournament.


    Posts: 1

    If you have followed the RCL or looked at their web site, you would see that they have payed back on a full field at all of their event’s, regardless of total entry’s. This is a class organization. You can read their La Crosse press release at http://www.operationwalleye.com .. note that they are paying a full field at Devils Lake also. What more can anyone ask for .. it’s obvious that they are investing in the future of Walleye fishing.

    Onalaska Wi
    Posts: 4

    My post stated that I looked at the website and looks to me that they would have lost about $250,000, I know if you do the math they are going to lose some money even with a full field but maybe losing money and the bad publicity this thing was generating was enough for them to cut there losses. Just throwing it out there.



    The fishery wouldnt have been hurt in my opinion, the biggest loser is the community what a blown opportunity. Do you realize how much money was lost in this deal. This is a sad day for La Crosse. This was a PR deal all the way and Im hearing from key people that are saying life was being made real difficult for the RCL organizers. For the anglers another lost HUGE opportunity. 80 some teams guaranteed payback to 60 places is what Ive been hearing. Some of these competitors have been down here for weeks preparing for this event. Im hearing the only reason they pulled out was PR related. The RCL is not going anywhere folks its too big and if any walleye organization survives the test of time, it will be the RCL in my opinion. They have the right people in place and from what Im told they will not give up. No organization in history of this sport has given so much. All the community had to do was give them a chance.

    Steve HougomFTR Webstaff

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I have to agree that if damage was the true concern, why was a permit issued? It’s a great reason to water down both sides but I think there’s more to it and chances are that it may never be completely and openly revealed. Speculated, but not revealed.

    Posts: 2

    Here’s a figure for you- Gander Mountain LaCrosse alone stocked $100,000 worth of additional walleye related crankbaits, rigs, spinners, bottom bouncers, and plastics alone just to “bulk up” for this event in the past two weeks. I think your figures fall a bit short as we definately would have moved this product with this degree of talent in our area. Poor LaCrosse- I hope we can get them to come back and somehow rebound from this year- being shot in the foot so many times with all this flooding and now the golden goose (RCL) has been shot- someone else’s goose should be cooked- preferable Mr. Bob Lamb himself with his biased article or those handfull of anglers (not naming names just yet!)


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