Does anyone know if Potatos are still banned for transporting into Ontario? I have looked for an hour on the web and have come up empty.
May 17, 2005 at 1:28 pm
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Mississippi River » Mississippi River – Walleye » Potato ban in Ontario Yet?
Does anyone know if Potatos are still banned for transporting into Ontario? I have looked for an hour on the web and have come up empty.
From what I understand the answer is yes, if you are going up through Thunder Bay, after you cross the border on the left is a store- the first business in Canada, they have excellent potatoes for a good price and licsence and beer, just an FYI, also heard a rumor that now they have banned burger also due to the mad cow disease war……
If you look up the phone number for Rydens, Grand Portage MN. at the border crosssing, I bet they would provide the info you need!
I managed to find the number to the Fort Francis border crossing. And yes the potato ban is still in effect, he also stated no dog food and no fire wood may cross this year too. The number is 807-274-3655 ext 241. Use extension 241 for general questions only.
Are they still keeping all meat from crossing as well. Last year they made us give up our pototoes and all out steaks because of the mad cow. HAted to lose 20 lbs of steak, but figured the fishing would make up for it.
All the more reasons to fish the lower 48!
I can’t believe the junk they dream up, but oh thats right, it’s the US of A s fault!
The beauty of it all, is that many many lakes in minnesota are getting better than most canadian lakes, if not equal.
I can drive 30 minutes to the river in the spring in stead of hoofing it 10 hours to a good canadian lake and catch better walleyes!!!!
Plus, the muskie fishing on Mille lacs is starting to pose higher quality than those in Canada!!!!
I will go to LOTW for muskies and walleyes, but I have my remote border crossing permit that allows me to cross the border at my free will.
Other than that, I will stick in good old Minnesota…..
Not to start a feud, but why (with the price of taters), would you want to transport them up there anyways? We always had them flown in during our trips.
The reason I love my trip to Canada is the prospect of catching 30lb. pike, 50lb. lakers or 10lb. speckle trout. I dont know of any lake this side of the border were I can get that type of quality fishing along with the fact I can drive my boat for 2 hours in any direction and not see a house, resort and very few if any other boats, fresh water comes from a spring that runs out of the side of a hill, ice- go chip some off the “glacier”, frozen spring. Thats thats just a few of the reasons I go north of the border……I absolutly love it
For 30lb pike,
I would go to Mille Lacs!!!! I know personally of 3 fish pushing 28 to 30 pounds out of the pond!!!!
Sounds like a lake I’d like to try. I have a question for you all. Why do they allow pike spearing for in staters and not out of staters in Minnesota even on a limited basis. It is something they don’t allow in Wisconsin and I think it would be a blast to try, my best day in Canada I figured I boated 100 pike averaging 10lbs. for 1000 pounds brought over the side of the boat the biggest one I seen caught was 28#, my personal best is 21.5#, four years back the MNR netted a 38# and 35#. There scale went up to 50″ and the fish laid over each side of that scale. My personal best for a laker is 33#, that fish had about 2 dozen smelt in its gut with a 18″ sucker sticking out of its throat, the lakers average 23# on good days with a chance at for a world record, the indians tell of storys were they netted lakers over 100# and pike over 50#. I have not caught a spec yet but that will change this year, I’ve seen them over 7# and I know guys that have caught them up to 12#. That is a pretty big brook trout! A true trophy fishery for quantity and quality and so big you would need two lifetimes to truly fish it through (and a bigger boat then what I have) I can’t wait the juices are starting to flow
for gary and others
not to start a big fight
we go up to canada every year up in northern northern like as far as the road will take you and then some with the fourwheelers and you have a four wheeler trail that will take you to i belive 10 lakes and every lake you can catch a wally as soon as the hook hits the water (no joke in about a day you can catch 50+ wallys) and they are all above 18 in. and you have to try to catch those ones that are under 20in and we are not all that good either now imagine if guys like you guys whent up there!!
the best part is that there is nobody else up there just you and the lake and fish and the rest of your group and that is it
Been there and done it many times sledhead. Problem is, most of the walleyes “way up north” don’t get that big.
We stopped doing fly-ins because we were catching 40 to 44 inch pike, but they barely pushed 20lbs. Going to LOTW, Mille Lacs or other quality waters is giving lots of 20lb pike.
Yes, the fly-ins put you in a pristine sanctuary, all to yourself. However for quality fish, I’ll stick in this state.
I know that a few northern lakes in Saskatchewan host big pike, but for $3000 to fish those lakes, you don’t even get a chance to hold them for a picture.
Don’t get me wrong. I love the fishing in Canada, but today’s CPR on local lakes are producing lots of monsters, where you don’t need to go to Canada for the 10lb walleye, 20lb pike, and 30lb muskie……They are all right here!!!
As for the reason why there is a potato ban, it is because of the “dirt” on the potato is not wanted. Same applies for the dirt in worm bedding and the exterior of wood. Too many bugs to potentially infest their land I guess.
I have not heard of anyone who had to throw out beef on their way in to Canada, however you cannot bring it back here from Canada.
As far as fishing being as good in the states; if you can tell me a lake to fish from late June to late August where I will catch 50-100 18″ to 25″ walleyes (guaranteed, if it is 80 degrees, high skies, no wind) in the states, I will move there TODAY.
I won’t argue that the fishing in MN is much better than here in WI, but I don’t think it can compare to a Canadian fly-in lake for sheer numbers of quality 3-7 lb. fish. If I’m wrong send me the name of the lake NOW! PLEASE!
You don’t even need to fly-in. You can boat in to an Indian Lodge on Lac Suel and easily catch 50 – 100 Walleye per day in July and August. We also caught a lot of Northern, mostly on topwater, including a few slightly over 40 inches. Finally, aside from the guys leaving the lodge in the morning we never saw more then 1 or 2 boats a day.
I’d chime in to say that a trip to Canada for me revolves around the totality of the experience. Getting away, meeting new people, seeing new sites. I’ve had some urine-poor fishing days in Canada – case in point, my trip last year. I’m sure I could have run down to Pool 2 and caught more on several days….
For 30lb pike,
I would go to Mille Lacs!!!! I know personally of 3 fish pushing 28 to 30 pounds out of the pond!!!!
I got a 44″ and a 46″ pike in one night on a guide trip a few years back. North end of the pond.
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