Pool 2

  • Wallace
    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 28

    What’s the good word on Pool 2? No posts for the past couple weeks, so I’m beginning to wonder if my trip out there tonight is worth while.

    On a separate note, I’ve got a question for IDA team as well. Went to the Fox River in Depere last weekend and hammered the walleyes. Our boat caught well over 50 and had a blast. The fish were stacked in the area by the dam and people were catching them all around us. (you could have jumped boat to boat, but didn’t run into any problems all day) What I’m wondering, is if that same type of thing happens in Red WIng? I was down there once last year and caught a few walleyes, but it wasn’t anything like I experienced last weekend. Another question is why that doesn’t seem to happen near the ford dam? I’m assuming that a large amount of the walleyes must run up the Minnesota River to spawn. Is that correct?

    If your out tonight, I’ll be out in the little red lund.

    Thanks for any input.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    The bite was tuff last weekend. But with the somewhat stable to dropping water levels, it should be a lot better now.

    Yes, there are days at the Red Wing dam where you can put 100+ fish in the boat.

    The Ford dam is different because the water up by the dam is only 10 feet deep. (And off limits to fishing or boating by the way) The water also moves very fast through there. I wouldn’t doubt there are a lot of fish up there at times!

    According to the pool 2 telementry study, many fish move up the Minnesota and spawn at the numerous feeder creeks there.


    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13380

    So who is planning on hitting pool 2 this weekend? Looks like it should be some nice fishing weather.

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 2097

    I might try on Sunday. I have stuff to do around the house tomorrow and I have sweet tickets, center of the first baseline row 7, for the Twins game Saturday night.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    I might make it tomorrow morning and afternoon. Never been on Pool 2. Kind of going in blind, OK….. totally blind I dont even know where the boat ramps are, but I’m on a mission to go fishing for some eyes tomorrow. I will be in a Black/Tan Crestliner with a 135 Optimax on the back. I will be the one probably doing circles and fishing far from the right spot! Wave as you go cruising by laughing !

    St. Paul
    Posts: 138

    I’ll be out on Saturaday morning as well. The bite has been a bit slow for me as of late, but this beautiful weather will have me in my boat, (blk/slv Alumacraft w/Suzuki). I plan on throwing the kitchen sink at the river tomorrow. I need to use some more of tackle in my box. Looking forward to reading some successful posts on Monday.
    See you on the water!

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 2097

    Does anyonw know, is the 494 ramp accessable?

    Andover MN.
    Posts: 390

    I was out last weekend and the water is like chocalate milk, I fished mid pool and didn’t get a hit. If I go this weekend I am going to go north of the confluence to try to get some cleaner water. The 494 ramp is open, there is a traffic light and its one way only, kind of a tight sqweeze but I got my big alumacraft thru it, just take it slow.With the high water I mainly fished current breaks and some pretty nice ones, I was surprised I didn’t get bit. I have never had good luck on pool 2 with real muddy water.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5717

    I was down at the 494 ramp last Sunday. It’s tight quarters getting through the construction but it is open. There were a lot of rigs in the parking lot, it was almost full. I talked to a couple of guys who were coming off the river and they didn’t have anything to report other than it was nice to be out in a boat with sunshine and warm weather.
    I saw a number of trees making their way down river so be careful out there.


    Champlin, Mn
    Posts: 2128

    I wish I had a updated report for you right now, but I have been off Pool 2 for a bit lately due to some other committments. I am planning to be back on in about a week or so. Hopefully I will have more to share then.

    Anyone have any good reports to share from this past weekend on 2?

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    I had the pleasure of sharing my boat with Mike W. on my Pool 2 debut this weekend. Thanks Mike and hope we can do it again if the bite gets better ! Mike showed me spots and gave me tips on different types of bites. There was a lot of debris floating down river, so be careful. We went on a tour of Pool 2 from the 494 bridge to the Dam. We pitched a few wing dams, trolled a bit and vertical jigged up by the Dam. Fishing seemed to be pretty slow. We had one bite on a trolling rod along some rip rap and boated one small eye jigging at the dam. The fish hit a ring worm in about 14′ of water. That was the only fish we seen boated all day. The water was pretty high and milky.

    This was the first time I had my boat out on the water this year and boy was I struggling to keep her together. I started the day out with a GPS problem only later to lose my sonar and GPS. To top that off, while fishing at the dam, my bow mount motor must have been shorting out. I would lose power all together and then it would pop back on. A few times it even popped the breaker/fuse down by the battery connection . So I enjoyed the day on the water. Good to get out fishing, enjoy the nice weather with old friends and make new ones. Thanks again Mike ! Now I have my work cut out for me trying to figure out these electrical problems .

    Champlin, Mn
    Posts: 2128


    Thats what those maiden voyages for the year is all about right?

    How was the water clarity north of the confluence? 1′-2’+?
    Nice day to be out on the water however!!

    Thanks for the update, good luck with the diagnostics of the electronics.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586


    I was out last week once and clarity above the confluence wasn’t bad at all. A couple of feet, probably. But TONS of water moving through. I had to run my trolling motor near 100% power (74#) to creep my boat upriver. A barge came through and I bet it took him almost two hours to get from watergate to the dam against that current. Fishing was pretty slow.


    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13380

    Thanks for the ride on saturday Rob. Theres was some pretty good current out there on saturday. A few big logs coming down river also. You guys might want to keep a close eye out for them while running around.
    In would be suprised if you could see 2′ down above the confluence. Maybe a foot moght be more like it. Water temps where right around 50 degrees. To me it seems like that time of year where a person just really needs to get slow and methodical to find those fish. A little time spent on the river might help with putting some fish in the boat to. My next trip down I might even just bring some live bait and let it soak in some of the areas that should be holding fish right now. Maybe a little evening fishing above the confluence might be in order also.

    Andover MN.
    Posts: 390

    lip ripper I had a similiar problem with my minnkota 74.The problem was that the connection from the negative of battery 1 to the positive of battery 2 wasn’t a wire on the batteries but the connection is actually in the trolling motor plug, if the screws in the trolling motor plug get loss it arc’s across the connection and melts the plastic. It will be intermittent for a while until it opens completly. they tightening the plug screws, you will see the shorting bar insidethe plug.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370


    That sounds like that could be it. I will have to go and check her out tonight. Thanks a million I will let you know if that is it.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    I worked on the trolling motor last night. Tighten the screws like you told me. They seemed to be ok. I will just have to see, I couldn’t make her trip last night.

    Now for my other issue….

    Ok… I’m not sure if it is my LMS 240 or something else. I keep on blowing the 3 amp fuse on the panel that my LMS 240 is hooked up to. I have had this unit installed by the dealer since May 2002. I have never had an issue. This last weekend on my maiden voyage of the year, I had a note displayed that my GPS module was not responding. Later that day, I lost my unit (Sonar & GPS) all together . I was in the garage trying to figure it out and came down to the conclusion: That any time that I would throw my main power switch on the boat, my 3 amp fuse would immediately trip on my LMS. If I would diisconnnect the power cord at the machine and flip my main power on nothing happened. I inspected the connections and the wires all the way to the unit and found nothing odd. Does anyone have a clue or idea what could be causing the fuse to blow ?

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 28

    My fishin partner and I were out on Friday night. Caught around 10 eyes between the two of us. Biggest was 18 inches. Just jigging the areas north of the confluence. The rule in my boat is if you catch a few nice fish in one spot, I’ll name it your honor. Being that we caught quite a few fish there and he was the first to land one, the spot is now named in honor of my fishing partner – Full Tank’s Rip Rap. We’ll be heading out to give it another run tonight. Supposed to be a nice night.

    Went to a river fishing seminar at Joe’s Sporting Goods last night. Lots of great information. This site was mentioned as one of the premier sites to look for river fishing info. Couldn’t agree more.

    Hopefully the new skills will help put some sows in the boat.

    Anyone else been out this week?

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    Went to a river fishing seminar at Joe’s Sporting Goods last night. Lots of great information. This site was mentioned as one of the premier sites to look for river fishing info. Couldn’t agree more.

    Who did the siminar?


    St. Paul
    Posts: 138

    Eric Olson

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    They are having different seimnars each day for about a week. Bass, Muskie and Walleye seminars. I think they have been going on for a few days now.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5717


    Just so I understand you right, if you unplug the power cable to the LMS 240 right at the ‘240, then you DON’T blow the fuse anymore, right? If that’s correct, then the problem is most likely internal to the LMS 240 and not in the wiring leading up to it. If you know someone who has the same unit, you could plug a different one into your wiring and see if that worked. My guess is that it would work, and again confirm that your wiring is OK.


    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Correct Rootski! That is what I’m a fraid of .

    I must have Posionous Gases in my spare bedroom / office. That is where I stored my LMS and my X67c. They both do not work this year .

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 2097

    Rob, I live in the north metro and own the LMS 240 also. Shoot me a PM if you would like to switch them around to confirm if the unit is bad.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Fish any time-

    Check your PM. Thanks !

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