Pool 4 reports?

  • fredbart
    St. Paul
    Posts: 372

    I have Sunday and Monday open to fish 4. Any reports on water flow, fishing conditions, etc, would be much appreciated.


    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 11


    I was out Friday afternoon for a few hours. I found the water to be a couple feet higher than my previous outing a week ago. The flows were also up and the river was fairly silty. Vertical jigging was not the ticket. Seemed like a fairly slow day for most fisherpersons operating in this manner. I managed a few nice ‘eyes in the 20″ range pitching to sandflats w/ringworms and I saw several guys having luck pulling 3-ways on the breaks.

    It’s gonna be busy on the river this weekend but if it’s anything like yesterday the boats will be spread out as guys are searching for a pattern. Good luck.

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