I was supposed to be on spring break this week for college, but my dad took me being off for a week and staying in the twin cities as meaning more time for me to work for him…oh the joys of a family business. Anyways I just had to make it down to the river at least one day (hopefully more but we will see) and yesterday was that day.
It’s not bass fishing, but pitching ringies to rip rap and sand flats feels almost like bass fishing. My game plan was to start out at the dam before everyone showed up and then jump way down past covill park and just work my way back up to the dam hitting various rip rap and sand.
The morning was by far the best for me and pro plue shad was the color. I got several walleyes in the 4lb range in the morning. And at about 1 I got an extrememly fat 27.5 inch walleye in 7ft off rip rap. I am not used to seeing them looking like they are about to explode…how much would one like that weigh? Continued working my way north until I got to Everts where Steve took my picture with the fish since I was fishing solo, then the fish was released. Thanks steve. The rest of the day I just dinked around up at the dam because I was too lazy to actually go pitching anymore.
James just kept showing up all over the river yesterday, everywhere I went yesterday. One question for everyone. I did decent on eyes yesterday but I did really well on smallies and I ended up catching more smallies then walleyes. Is anyone else seeing this? I spent the whole day up until the last spurt at the dam in less than 10 ft of water with ringies.
Eric Ahlstrom
the kid in the brown ranger fishermen