New Guy in town

  • duckwiz66
    Posts: 20

    Hey guys, I registered a couple days ago, and have been reading alot, and thought I’d stand up and say Hey.

    I just moved to Cedar Rapids, IA from 11 years in TX after growing up in MN for 26 yrs. I am looking forward to getting back into hooking into some ‘eyes again! Anyway, if someone is looking to fill a seat for a fishing trip, get ahold of me, and I’ll try to make it work. I grew up 100 yds from the Mississippi in Grand Rapids, MN, and want to learn how to fish it down here in the pools. I am an eager student, and it sounds like there is alot of expertise here. I’ve got a 14 ft Alumacraft lunker w/a 40 on the back, that’s not too small for the river, is it?

    Thanks, and Tight Lines to All.

    Korn King, I’d drive through Mt. Vernon on my way to the river, wouldn’t I?

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    When I have an open seat, I usually throw a post on either the Miss general discussion board if I’m heding to the big river, or the Iowa general discussion board if I’m sticking closer to home. You’re always welcome if I’ve got room, and even if my boat is full-up, two boats can cover ground and nail a pattern much faster than one. If we need an extra guy to fill up two boats, well, then KornKing will just have to suffer through a day away from “the Rock.”

    Concerning Mt Vernon, it depends where you’re going. If I’m headed to 14, yes, I take 30 East over to Clinton and put in there behind the island, going through Mt Vernon and Lisbon, etc. If I’m headed up to 9 or 10, Hwy 13 straight to Prarie is the fastest. Ditto for 11, but I head East on 20 at Manchester and cut North at Dyersville. Pool 12 is a straight shot on 151, and was almost all 4-lane last time I took it.

    With gas heading up to $2.25 for summer driving, I’m guessing we’ll all be wanting to car-pool.

    Welcome to Cedar Rapids.

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 1792

    That is a nice boat you have it is definitly not to small for the river.

    nora springs ia floyd
    Posts: 518

    Welcome fellow Iowan

    E. Moline Illinois along the Rock River
    Posts: 1180

    Welcome Duckwiz,
    I’m sure all of your questions will be answered here. If you ever get down to the Quad Cities , drop me a line and we’ll see if we can set something up.

    East Bethel, Minnesota
    Posts: 696

    Welcome Duckwiz Glad to have you

    West Central WI
    Posts: 85

    Hey Duckwiz,

    I am also new to this forum and cant believe the amount of support these guys have offered. Whats really nice you are discussing info that you can use on your own body of water, not 600 miles away on some big walleye lake. Glad I found the site. Hopefully the weather warms a touch and I can start offering info for pool 8. Tempted to go today, but wind chill as I speak is -2 degree. This sure is good though. (I must be getting old, weather never kept me down 20 years ago). Welcome to the river….. Murf

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Welcome. Great to have you with us. Please feel free to share and post all you want.

    Murfeyes, that pic sure makes me homesick for that kind of temps and walleye fishing.

    Thanks, Bill

    West Central WI
    Posts: 85

    Bill , thats my favorite fishin hole in Canada, Cat River….

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Hey Duckwiz, glad your here. This is an excellent spot to look for info. and check the rivers and lakes to find a good bite

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18967

    Cedar Rapids?? Just dangle a pheasant hunting trip swap on this forum and you could walk across the river on all the boat offers you get!!

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