Being a new arrival to the upper Midwest (east-coat native-no walleyes or saugers where I used to live and fish) I lack the experience and expertise of many of you, but I have had some limited success under these fast and high water conditions.
What was key for me was essentially doing what ecnook is alluding to. We 9-5 guys can’t let open rollers on a weekend keep us from the water (unless its flooding and potentially hazardous
), or we might not get another chance til the following week. I have found getting a bit farther downstream from the dam, closer to shore in some of the calmer breaks to be a worthwhile approach. We would drift with enough thrust on the troller to keep the jigs mostly vertical and keep boat noise to a minimum, or we would drag Dubuque style jigs very slowly. However, I realize too, that in some areas at this time of year, the farther you head downstream the more likely you will find pack ice and other navigation hazards, so heading downriver may be impractical.
Still no baby on the ground, but my wife and I are hoping any day. It’ll be some time before I make it out on the big river, but it sure is kewl to hear everyone’s war stories. Sounds like it was good time up near the dam before they pulled the cork…