This set of pics comes out to us from Steve Vick, manager of Everts Resort near Red Wing, MN.
In his own words…”This walleye was a 28 inch 8.4 lb walleye that bit off more than he could chew. He had a 13 inch sheepshead stuck halfway down his throat. A buddy of mine , Mark “mwchiefs” Ward found him floating by the resort here. James, I thought that dead 28 incher would make a good pic for the board. The people that doubt you [James] about using big baits for these fish might reconsider!!!”
To be honest, this scenario isn’t all that uncommon. Given that YOY drum are a staple in the walleye diet, it isn’t surprising that the larger walleyes continue to target larger drum as they themselves grow in size. I can recall 4, maybe 5 instances when I’ve run across 8+ lb ‘eyes with large drum stuck in their throats…. eventually suffocating them and the drum. Seeing these photos should put those 5″ and 6″ tails we talk about so much into perspective and make a guy feel a bit inadequate when fishing a 2″ fathead or a small twister tail as the average sized shad I find in walleyes I clean, in the 16″ – 20″ range, run anywhere from 3.5″ – 6″ in length. And that’s from eating sized fish. I don’t clean the big girls so who knows what they’re capable of chocking down on a regular basis.
Thanks a bunch of the pics and tell Mark to wash his hands…LOL
Good fishin’,
EFN Webstaff