Pool 4 4/23/02

  • bri_bigeyes
    Farmington, Minnesota
    Posts: 229

    Went out yesterday afternoon from 4:00 to dark and had by far the toughest bite I’ve experienced this year. The wind was whipping and was literally producing swells near the dam on the Wisconsin side. We tried this area with both jigs and cranks with 3-ways to no avail. To be honest, I was doing a pretty crappy job with the boat control because of the crosswind fighting the current and probably got frustrated too quickly. Finally found some slacker water near Diamond Island and boated a few fish, and yes, I missed boating another 5 + walleye. I’m going to rename myself bri_bigmisseyes after this spring. We also tried the Wisconsin shoreline in this area, but again the wind was tough for jigging and they didn’t seem to want the crankbaits. We also tried pitching shallow water on the backside channel of Diamond Island. I thought for sure there would be some straggling spawners up in the slacker flooded timber/willows, but not so much as a hit. Anybody else have any success out there? I’ll be heading out Friday again and will report then. If anybody goes in the meantime, post your results. Mavzer, where were you when we got done? We were thirsty! LOL!

    Posts: 23

    Bri… You said you were going to to be there in a black/gray alumacraft… I looked for you all day, I wanted to meet my first FTR’er… Never saw you. We fished from 6:00 am to 3:30, that would explain why I didn’t see you. Oh well, maybe next time. Your right, that wind was TOUGH. And if you are fishing Friday, you may be tougher than I am, sounds like the weather is going to be terrible.



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