She’s dropping on Pool 3

  • chris-tuckner
    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12318

    Pool 3 dropped 1 foot since last night folks. She’s hovering just above 11ft. Mileys and Buffalo, here I come!!!!


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18840

    I’ll see you in there one of these days.

    Circla Pines, Mn.
    Posts: 24

    When you into Mileys and Buffalo slew, do you enter from the main channel through the cuts,ie Brewers or do you launch at that ramp in the backwaters of North lake I think it is? The times I fished in Buffalo I entered through Brewers and it was quite shallow, like 2 feet in places. I have fished the channel lots but now much in the backwaters.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    Grinder, I was just down at miliys on Friday,I always go into there from the Channel.To much of a headache to go across North lake.When you go around the first bend going in stay way to your right.There is a gap over there so you can get around the log jam.Don’t open her up anywhere in that whole stretch or you’ll take your lower unit off!!!!Sunken logs just under the water.(unseeable.)As for brewers I come up from below Treasure Island.It’s a little tricky but i had Eye-guide show me the way.Saves alot of gas in the boat.It’s quicker launching from there to get to Mileys that way too. Ask Eye-Guide how to get from Buffalo to Mileys going up the lake.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12318

    You can enter Buffalo through Brewers from the river, or launch from North Lake’s south side, or launch at the Treasure Island ramp, but stay in the marked channel. Mileys you can enter from the river or North Lake. North Lake is very shallow in the summer, not quite so bad now….

    Farmington, Minnesota
    Posts: 229

    Has anybody started catching fish in Miley’s or any of the other runs? My fishing partner and I have been sticking mainly to the Red Wing area, but we’re just waiting for Pool 3 to heat up. Not really looking for any specifics, just if the fish have began to bite. Chappy did you catch or mark any fish on Friday?

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    I marked a few in Mileys,but water moving way fast through there! Was a canoe in there anchored but he was’nt catching much either.Prescott was deadville.No marks except for middle of channel,Did’nt fish that part,was in front of the docks and drifted all the way down to the wing dam below the harbor. I would think pretty soon it should start heating up.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12318

    Prescott really starts to rock when the water temps get up into the 50’s. Sauger will start piling up on shore very, very soon. I will be over there this weekend checking things out. Chappy, how does Monday night sound????


    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 945

    I was at Prescott on Wednesday evening. The water coming down from the Croix in front of the docks was 43 F so it has ways to go to get into the 50s…. especially with the cold forecast we have. The water coming down from the Mississippi was 58 F. I don’t ever recall seeing such a large difference between these two temperatures but maybe I just didn’t notice before.

    I wonder if the walleyes/sauger would move into the warmer Mississippi water rather than stay in the colder Croix water. I did catch one walleye and one white bass in the cooler Croix water however.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    Monday sounds good. Let me know. I get off at 4:00.

    Circla Pines, Mn.
    Posts: 24

    Chris, I was wondering why more people dont fish below the Hasting Damn? I know it is not boundry waters so it isnt open yet for Walleyes but there must be white bass there.

    Do the Walleyes not migrate up there? Also do you think this is a good weekend for white bass in pool 4?

    bill mitchell
    Posts: 165

    the DNR assumes that you are fishing eyes and will give you a ticket just on the premise that you are fishing with a jig and a minnow. I know this since about two years ago my buddy and I were fishing for channel cats and we got ticketed for fishing eyes when they are out of season even though we had no fish, he never saw us catch a an eye, nor did he even think it was possible to catch cats in the winter. Long story short…I went to court showed the judge numerous pics of us catching cats through the ice and out of a boat in the dead of winter..convincing him by reading what the officer had printed in his report..bottom line I got a $10.00 fine to cover court fines and the ticket was expunged from my record. That doesnt include the $250.00 I lost from taking the day off of work.

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