Pool 3?

  • thanisch
    Posts: 122

    I’m going to head out Saturday morning for a few hours and I’m contemplating where I should go. Pool 3 is close to me but I’ve never fished it. What’s the chance that I can go out there and find some fish and come back with my lower unit in tact? Any advise is welcomed.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    I’m not a pool 3 guy at all, but if you stay between the marker bouys you should be safe. Watch for the tell-tale ripples of the wing dams, you’ll be fine. Good Luck!!!!!

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    If the wingdams are spooking you, there is a LOT of Rip-Rap shoreline to troll or cast to. All of the rip-rap is along the WI shoreline. IF you have a planner board, try running a shallow diving stick bait right up along the rocks and run another line off the back of the boat.

    Good Luck,

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19013

    Stay with the markers on plane and you’ll have no problem. Go easy when your not. On the other hand there are those floating rocks and river monsters. You may want to steer clear of pool 3.

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