Pool 2 info

  • kooty
    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Any new info from Pool 2 guys. I’m going to be down there tomorrow all day. We’ll probably start up by the dam and work our way downriver.


    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4545

    I would skip it! I fished from 2pm to 6pm today. One snagged carp for 2 of us. Saw 2 other boats on the water-no luck. Lots of current and debris. The eddys and current breaks held fish, but we could get anything to hit.

    We fished several spots from the dam to the MN river.

    Good luck-let us know how you did!

    Posts: 3

    Definetly skip it. I fish from the high bridge in St. Paul to the dam. Lots of fish up by the damn on the graph. All had lock jaw though. There were about five other boats out. Again lots of debris mostly south of the Mississippi/Minnesota fork.

    SE MN
    Posts: 519


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Well, we hit it hard, but to no avail the reports were correct. We only boat 2 eyes, 1 sauger, 1 crappie and 1 smallie. All fish were caught up by the lock in slack water. I did see one shore fisherman land what looked to be a 3lb eye and then one other “eater”. We didn’t crowd in on him to try that shore but I think a 3 way with a crank bait could have caught some fish there right at dark. We fished pretty much everything from the confluence north. High flows and dirty water was the norm, as you would expect.

    Hit Pool 4 on Saturday with basically the same results. Fished from the head of the lake to the dam. Didn’t see much caught all day. We tried everything from jigs to 3-ways with live bait. Sounds like the crankbait bite was on early. I talked to one guide that boate a 10lber at the ramp. The rain ran us off a little earlier than we cared. Oh well, it was two beautiful days on the water!!

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