Had to try the wing dams after last nights big rain. Depending on the area the La Crosse area received between 1 and 3 inches of rain last night. The river did rise some, approx. 4-6 inches at the La Crosse area best as I could determine. Told one of the people I work with that tonight could be a good night to get some quality fish, and he went with. Started at 6 pm fished until 830 pm. Second cast of the night a 20 in. walleye in the boat. Several casts later a 26 in. eye in the boat. Not a bad start. Things cooled a bit for about a half hour. Then for the next 30 min. put 3 more 20 in. eyes in the boat. It was a run and gun type of night. No action on a dam in 15 minutes move to the next dam. There was a lot of weed, & clutter floating in the water this evening, but the influx of water and an increaced water flow over the dam put the walleye in a feeding mood. Caught several smaller eyes at the close of the evening kept them to eat, all the larger fish released, a most excellent evening on the water. Crawlers, and leeches put the fish in the boat.
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