Suggestions on Fishing Lake Pepin

  • nitch33
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 16

    Planning on fishing Lake Pepin early Saturday morning. Taking my 11 year old son, a friend of mine and his two sons. Would like to get into some walleye but really just want the boys to catch some fish. Not picky as to what they catch. Any suggestions? Relatively new to fishing on the River and Lake Pepin. We have had some luck catching Smallmouth bass off the rip rap by the Pickle Factory. That was my plan to start off the day.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    If I were you, I would go to Evert’s and join the GTG. All is welcome on the site. They have food and drink. Plus everyone is heading out fishing, so you may find some good info!!!!

    Posts: 170

    If you want the kids to have fun and you too watch for Gulls going nuts and cast something bright and flashy into that area. You will have a ball catching white bass. The kids will love it.

    Eric Rehberg
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 3071

    Just to warn you there is a walleye fishing tourny and it is the riverboat days. There will probally be a lot of boats out. Even more than on a normal weekend. But anyways i would go after the white bass for the kids. Good luck and let us know how you did.

    Walleye Fool

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 16

    We launched in Lake City at about 6:00 – 6:30. We caught a few fish. Caught a couple of largemouth bass by the Pickle Factory and some small white bass while trolling. Not a great day of fishing but the kids told me they still had a good time. Thought about going to Everts Resort but decuded not to at the last minute. Thanks for your help.

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