Most of the fish caught have been coming from areas like the WI Back Channel and other back water areas.
I’ll be honest, the fish are in the trees and difficult to target there but some have been catching them.
Down stream seems to be producing more then near the dam but there’s always exceptions. The guides that launch out of here are doing well dubuque rigging the current seams near the dam but are doing better down stream.
Our new jumbo leeches, magnum flatheads and fat crawlers have all been taking fish.
Slow Death hooks and a crawler but a lot of fish in the grease over the last weekend.
For those that like willow cats, our new order came in and they are larger then the last ones we had.
The water is dropping much faster then the forecast called for. Angler still need to use caution as always.
To all the MN opener fishermen going to the lakes this weekend, Have Fun and Be Safe!