Cold Water Boot Camp

  • Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13390

    Just like the scour hole post its the time of year for this post to. Lots of good info in this video but the most important is wear those life jackets always. Dont think it can happen to you? Good buddy of mine just went in the river yesterday and sounds like he was very luck to make it back out. This guy spends a ton of time on the water to.

    Put those life jackets on and keep them on guys.

    Cold Water Boot Camp video.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13390

    One thing I find very interisting about this video is that it was done in much warmer water than we have now. Mid to upper 40s. Think some of the times they are talking about at those temps can be cut down a lot in the water temps we see now.

    Janesville, WI
    Posts: 402

    As a BWCAW canoe trip guide in Ely, MN, part of our training included <50 degree water testing swimming 100′, treading water for 2 minutes, and diving in clothed to retrieve a lifejacket and put it on. I wear a PFD because I was a very good swimmer and life guard but found it difficult to put a PFD on in cold water. The rule of 120 applies to hypothermia: add the water temperature to the air temp and if it is below 120, hypothermia is most likely to occur.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13390

    Guess this is how things played out for the guy that went in on Friday. Guy in the water, wind quickly blows boat away, thrown life jacket blown away in the wind, passenger left to quickly try to figure out how to start a motor he has never ran before. Guy in the water was very lucky to make it out of this alive.

    Why wasnt this guy wearing his life jacket? I do not know. He wears it all the time. Just didnt happen to have it on at that point in the trip.

    Wearing a lifejacket in the boat is common sense but addressing the issue of what to do if someone goes in does not seem so common. Like these guys especially if the driver goes in and the others are unfamiliar with the boat. Would they know how to start the boat? Would they even know enough to try and through a lifejacket or boat seat quickly?

    Putting lifejackets on is simple. Bet you could cover how to start the motor, use of throw cushion and other safety issues in a minute or two tops. Especially if you got someone new in your boat or unfamiliar with boating.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Glad that guy was not me! Went through the ice there at 494 last weekend chopping ice. That water is cold and then some! (Just a few feet deep, wet up to the boys)

    Mike is not a preacher. He wears his PDF all the time. I really need to get with the program.


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